Thursday, February 25, 2010

Silver Lining

It can’t be all bad…right? I’m willing to concede that there must be something good about this blasted, good for nothing winter season.

Let’s see:

There’s no bugs. That’s always a plus…’cause think about how gross it would be if as you’re taking that first sharp, surprised breath (realizing how bitterly cold it is), a fly flew in your mouth. It would be like, a double cosmic whammy.

If your hair looks like crap, you can’t blame it on the humidity.

If you’re a kid, the very words “snow day” denotes feelings of happiness and joy.

You have an entire extra freezer right outside your door.

It’s easier to spy on your neighbors without all those pesky leaves getting in the way.

You can tell immediately if someone’s been at your house whilst you were away.

Adding liquor to any hot beverage is completely acceptable.

There are no skunks in winter. (I don’t think.)

Running through the snow with dirty shoes is like running them through the wash…only a lot quicker.

If you forget a bag of groceries in your trunk, it doesn’t matter.

There’s no competition with your neighbors over who has the nicest lawn.

And finally…the very BEST thing about winter is:

It has to end eventually.

Right?? Please tell me I'm right....!

Waiting for Spring,

Kelly@MentalGarbage said...

Hang in there! It can't last forever!

Anonymous said...

I love your list. Spring is coming, you're right. Just not fast enough for my liking.

BlackLOG said...

"And finally…the very BEST thing about winter is:

It has to end eventually"

Not if the snow queen has returned and beaten that lion and those four meddling kids.

Just chuck another Lucy on the fire. Anyone for more hot chocolate and Turkish Delight ....

P.S It was that sort of thinking that probably wiped out the dinosaurs

Mrs Dinosaurs "Do we need to get in some more fire wood?"

Mr Dinosaurs "No winter will be over soon"

Mrs Dinosaurs "Oh, Goody I can get out my new Dinokini...."

Mr Dinosaurs "Have you seen my white socks and sandels* "

*This tells us these were German or possibly Northern British Dinosaurs....

Runnergirl said...

Either that or you'll have to migrate south for the winter like birds...

TC said...

I was looking @ the fields today driving home from the store, wondering if the spotty snow drifts would melt BEFORE spring?

Loved it!! I will remember the spying on the neighbors one....My neighbors have evergreens in their yard and are Mennonites though..... not much carousing going on over there?

Moonrayvenne said...

I love the freezer. Easy way to keep the bottles cold!
It's been snowing on & off here just about every day now. We were lucky until this month. More snow & blustery winds today!
I really should hibernate in the winter. Keep warm! (((HUGS)))

Momiji chan said...

aw cheer up rain will be coming your way i think....and i think it might just wash all the snow away if you think your having a bad time think again are backyard is a swamp right now thanks to all the rain and the dog gets dirty every time he goes out its very annoying

The Shitty Astrologer said...

Hehehe...I guess if you have the luxury of hibernating all winter long, that could be a plus...(sometimes I envy bears, just wanna sleep through the whole thing).

Anonymous said...

Aww, that freezer brought back memories from high school. Put the beer in the snow to keep it cold. ahhh!

Ohh I am excited we have snow and it has been snowing all night. weeweeeeeeee! Awww, you didn't have to push me.

Ron said...

OMG, Kathryn....this list is freakin' FLAWLESS!

..."It’s easier to spy on your neighbors without all those pesky leaves getting in the way"...

Bwhahahahahahahhaha! OMG...that is SOOO true!

And the one thing I really do love about winter, is the fact that I can walk home from the grocery store (15 blocks each way) and not have to worry about my frozen stuff thawing!

And you're right, there are no BUGS in the winter - LOVE that too!

And just think, spring is only one month away!

As usual, SUPER post!!!

Have a great weekend!


P.S. and yes, it is now snowing here! said...

An excellent list. Congratulations on fighting cold, snow, power outages and all the tiresome dressing and undressing that winter brings with a tonic dose of optimism. Saying it won't result in anything but obscene gestures, but here in Florida, we, too, have needed optimism this winter. When we start getting crabby about how cold it is, a few minutes of The Weather Channel usually does the trick.

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Don't worry Kathryn, another month or so and all those wonderful things will go away. (I'm not making you feel any better am I?)

Dreamfarm Girl said...

I was thinking "Poor Kathryn!" when I listened to the news this morning about yet another whammy. It will end. Sometime. Unless this global warming thing has tipped us into a new Ice Age. Just a tiny possibility to bring cheer to your day. : ) Oh, and my favorite thing about winter is...drum poison ivy! probably not a problem for you though.

Anonymous said...

this lsit is pretty good... but dont rush it...

and for your info only... He still has three vials in his pocket...

Hmmm what to do with them...

Unknown said...

Yep. It would have to give way for other people friendly weather.

Unknown said...

Yep. It would have to give way for other people friendly weather.

Tinkerschnitzel said...

I'm ready to move to Mexico! You can come too, Kathryn. Can you imagine it? Sitting on the beach sipping margaritas? Yup. That's the life. :D

Tia said...

Spring will be sprung soon. It has to. ;)

Tia said...

Spring will be sprung soon. It has to. ;)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Yes, spring! I'm here in NYC, trudging thru mounds of slush. But thinking SPRING...

Bernadine said...


Hope you get a quick relief from winter soon.

Lots of love from South Africa. :)

Tina said...

The bright sunny stuff is on the way. Think pink and warm thoughts until then.

Spot said...

So we just found out in our neck of the woods that when all this snow melts we will have flooding. Now, we have flooding every year around here, but they are talking major flooding. Like 1993 flooding. My home is totally safe but gah the humidity! The bugs! The germs!

I'd like to postpone spring this year...


Straight Guy said...

I mentioned this in an older post, but given your list, let's recognize the awesome workout that snow shoveling is. Upper body + cardio! Then you die.

By the way, skunks don't hibernate, they just laze in their dens through the winter. But they should be a rare occurrence at any time of the year. What exactly goes on at Casa K over the summer that puts you in regular contact with our striped friends? Let me know, then stop doing it!

Natalie said...

Hey fellow NYer! It doesn't feel like this winter is ending anytime soon, huh?! Just remember that we didn't get snow for awhile so maybe Mother Nature is dumping it on us now and then Spring will be here!

I am trying to be back in Blogville more often! At least once a week - that's my goal!

Stay warm!

Jerry said...

I know I am going to be banished from your site...but I lived in update NY for three years and in MA for one...and I relished the snow. I reckon it is because I am from non-snowy south Texas.

But your list was delightful...and I know...just know that it is all going to stop in two and one-half weeks.

Lauren said...

You forgot the best thing ever! My birthday is in Spring! So... yeah. Is getting older a plus? I'm now debating this.

Bobby Allan said...

Great attitude! Now convince yourself that you believe all this. :-)

Anonymous said...

You know Kathryn, you are just the best ever. You give me hope in a time of great sadness and despair (nobody died, I'm just referring to winter). I must say it takes a truly wise person to think of something good that comes out of this season-formally-known-as-winter-which-we-no-longer-acknowledge.


JennyMac said...

Love your list..its cold here but beautiful out and not a speck of snow in sight. Come on down! The sun is out and the cocktails are delicious.

Momiji chan said...

hah yeah im better now i cant believe its already march*.*

kathryn said...

KellyGrrl: You're'll just FEEL like forever!

Gavin: Nope...not fast enough for me either, sweetie. And it's such a PUSHY will NOT be ignored!

BlackLOG: Ha. WTH? Somehow, you've made the jump from winter to Dinosaurs in dinokinis!? Even I'M not that random!

kathryn said...

Runnergirl: Actually, that sounds like an excellent idea! Then, at least I'd stop complaining...

TC: Evergreens? Mennonites? On BOTH sides? Dammit! That's no fun!

Collette: I know! I love that freezer shot too. Sounds like we're basically having the same weather, sweetie! Hope you're staying warm too!

kathryn said...

uo-chan: Oh, I'm not a big fan of the "wet dog smell"! It's true...we don't really get that from the snow...

The Shitty Astrologer: Yeah...bears have it made! It's okay to gain all that weight at the beginning of winter and then they come out in spring all rested and skinny!

WannabeVirginiaW: Beer in high school? Gee...that's not legal age, you naughty girl! And, I just lightly tapped you...I can't help it if you fell down.

kathryn said...

RON! Thank you, kind sir. I am SUPER-GLAD you get to strut your frozen stuff for 15 blocks and KEEP it frozen! I seriously dislike the bugs. Maybe we'll need to ban them this summer. It sounds like a plan!

BlackLOG said...

Ha. WTH? Somehow, you've made the jump from winter to Dinosaurs in dinokinis!? Even I'M not that random!

There was a link but a very subtle one. God if you didn't get it there is no hope for me....

I'm putting it down to you being a bit upset because you have missed out on the new cocktail "a Dinokini" that's all the rage.

The recipe :-
Loads of ice (You can always use snow)
A wipe out of dinosaurs (not so easy to find but if you try one of those Chinese supermarkets they might have something. You could always substitute tiger and or
orang-utan for the dinosaur....>

It's ok I'll get my coat

kathryn said...

drinksbeforedinner: No obscene gestutes (this time). I can appreciate that it's all a matter of relativity. That said, I'll be needing the sarcasm font when I say that my heart goes out to you for those goosebumps by the pool...

Oddyoddyo13: Ha. All I can say is that Mother Nature is cru-el...she teases us, then she dumps on our heads with freezerdoodle. UGH.

DreamfarmGirl: YAY! I forgot about poison ivy! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, sweetie...this season has completely worn out it's welcome!

kathryn said...

Sir Thomas AKA (Winters Reaper): Ha! I KNEW IT! (Pats herself on the back triumphantly)

Lily Johnson: Yes...because ANY weather is more people-friendly than THIS!

Tinkerschnitzel: Sigh...that. sounds. fabulous. I'll bring the bring the sunblock!

kathryn said...

Tia: I'm waiting for spring to....well, spring. It couldn't happen soon enough. Winter's really given us a run for our money this year...

Maureen@IslandRoar: You're HERE! Dodging the SLUSH?! I was late in getting this memo! Visiting son and girlfriend? YAY! Hope you've had a fabulous time, sweetie!

Bernadine: Thanks for the South African loooove! Hopefully, some of your heat will head our way...sometime in the next 6 weeks, I hope.

kathryn said...

Tina: I know you're right, sweetie. It can't stay snowy and dreary forever...even though it seems like Spring is on a permanent vacation...

Spot: Well, I can appreciate that....who wants to go from THAT? I'm all for a "fast-forward" button...but why don't we just BAN THE BUGS? We know hard can it be??

Straight Guy: "Upper body + cardio! Then you die." HA! This is so true, 'cause the whole time I'm shoveling, I'm thinking, "How's my hair?" You case I keel over. Skunks and I have's totally not my fault. Enough said.

kathryn said...

serendipitous: Hey, fellow NY'er! I'm NOT buying that whole "We were due for a bad, snowy winter" thing. I am of the belief that we start each season with a clean slate. This feels like owing back taxes! Glad to see you!

Jerry: Yes, your un-natural liking for (insert hated "s" word here) must be from your Texan roots. So. According to Jerry, winter'll be done on March 17th? I'm holding you to that, ya know.

Lauren: You're a spring baby? SO AM I! So, we've now identified that all the best babies were born in the spring.

kathryn said...

Chrissy: Nah. I don't believe any of it. I'm trying to...but....nah. It's not working.

Fierce: Thank you. Thank you very much. You are the perfect combination of wise, funny and sophisticated. This is why we get along SO WELL!

JennyMac: Oh, that sounds good to me. My two favorite things: no snow and cocktails. YUM.

kathryn said...

uo-chan: I know! "They" say that spring is right around the corner!

BlackLOG: Hey. If it's got liquor in it, I'm on board. Maybe my problem is that I don't drink enough...

jh said...

Kathryn, friends make it all worthwhile.

kathryn said...

jh: Yes they do, doll. Especially friends like YOU.

Heather said...

I think it has ended here, just a few chilly mornings. The grass is tall and the flowers are starting to bloom.

Hang in there the reward is worth it.

kathryn said...

Heather: Boy, you really nailed this one! After the gorgeous weekend we've had here (I just found this comment in my folder...sorry it's so late!) I think you may be right about spring having sprung!!

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