Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shake the Trees

Okay. Remember all those nice things I just said about winter??

I take ‘em all back. Evidently, the end result of throwing even the most offhand compliment winter’s way is a whopping 18” of the white stuff, with a 2-day loss of electricity as a cosmic cherry on top.

Just when I thought the storm was over…just when you’d think 15” was enough to make anyone cry uncle…

…the storm picked up in intensity. White-out conditions made it next to impossible to see much further than across the street…

It’s an uber-heavy snow…the kind that makes for excellent snowmen…and lots of achy-breaky biceps and backs.

It also makes for lots of downed trees and a loss of power. We handled the first eight hours like troopers. We stoked the fire, read a little…played numerous games of whatever and reminded each other every ten minutes that the power would come back any minute….

By 8pm, firewood was getting low (as was my cell phone battery), the house was getting cold and any novelty we may have felt over “roughing it” had completely and utterly worn itself out. There was nothing cozy anymore about the candlelit rooms…it was just making it impossible to see which way to replace the dying batteries in the flashlight.

The cavalry (AKA my sister and nieces) arrived in their SUV around 9-ish….after numerous text messages back and forth revealed that she was without phone, cable and internet…but she had the most important thing: she had power.

The next day (at my sister's), we awoke to many, many snow-laden trees…some at almost a 90-degree angle. In my borrowed snowsuit, we trudged outside to clean up in the wake of this major storm. I would stand under a tree and vigorously shake…and would immediately get clocked with heavy clumps of slushy snow.

After several hours of tree-shaking and broken-limb dragging, we started getting a little delirious. We’d tried to cut down several cracked branches with a table saw. (It did not work.) I kept falling down…and getting back up was getting harder and harder….especially when the deep snow would summarily grab hold of my boot and refuse to let go. Add to that, I began to notice that every time we’d drag a huge, gnarly branch towards our pile of downed limbs, I’d somehow wind up in the middle…with my feet tangled up in the branches. Down I’d go.

My sister decided we should make snow angels in one area of the pristine snow. She planted her feet…held her arms out to the side and just….fell backward. Then she frantically swished her arms and legs up and down as I critiqued her ability to push the heavy snow. Then I'd attempt to haul her to standing without ruining her perfect angel.

When my turn came, I found that I couldn’t fall straight back…I'd hit butt-first and then lie down. The end result looked more like a bumblebee and my sister remarked that I had some serious trust issues.

Eventually, a neighbor walked over and suggested that he drop by with his chainsaw and help us out. We gratefully accepted...and by the end of the day, our arms and legs felt like rubber bands…a fact that I mimed several times by dramatically waving my arms and legs like a puppet…adding a bouncy, twangy sound for emphasis.

Two days after we lost power, we returned home once again. I can now safely say that I have gotten up close and personal with Old Man Winter…and I do believe that he’s a grumpy, miserable old fart.

But that’s really no surprise to anyone…now, is it?

Runnergirl said...

Your photos are beautiful though - and just think of the calories you will have earnt... to spend on chocolate and cocktails!

Kathy said...

Ah, but at least you still had "the kid" in you and saw to it that you made some snow angels (or bumblebees, as it were).

I'm sick of the snow, too. I'm too old for shoveling. We are so stupid for not buying a snow blower last year.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, all that snow and no power? That sucks! I guess the only advantage of living in Canada is that we're so used to the snow it doesn't cause a big fuss anymore. No power outages, no snow days; you know why? It's Canada, there's ridiculous amounts of snow, duh! But you're right, old man winter really is a depressing old fart! Bring on the spring any time soon


KT said...

W-O-W! And I thought winter was a cute and white affair. I guess I'm completely mistaken! It's been super cold down here in FL, but def not snow cold (thank goodness). lol. sorry, i;m not making you feel better. oh, so yeah. I'm back!!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

The photos are beautiful. We did get some snow, then it rained and the snow is allll gone :(

Spot said...

Love the photos! Sorry about the power. Thats the kind of thing I'd like though. Yeah, I know, I'm certifiable. But at least you got to spend quality time with the sis (aka calvary)!! Those are the things memories are made of. Da boys will always remember this weekend!!


Unknown said...

You deserve a big margarita, some chips & salsa - and a matching vacation to the Mexican Riviera!

Tinkerschnitzel said...

You're braver than me. I would have stayed inside and watched everyone else do the heavy work whilst I sip my coffee. But, then again, I'm lazy. :D

Momiji chan said...

O.O i guess my letter to spring didnt get out i thought for sure spring would at least here us out but im getting more rain and your getting more snow im so sorry i'll try harder hah i always say that heh but sometimes you fail and try again till it works right? im gonna do a another letter to spring grr im frustrated with it now _._ i couldnt breath this morning grr stupid allergies .......-.-

Straight Guy said...

Was working in your fine state last week. I was almost trapped in a NYC hotel on Friday (I know, poor me!), but had an Amtrak ticket home, which turned out to be worth its weight in gold. It was tough getting a cab, and Penn Station looked like some sort of refugee processing center.

Give it a few days. We had our snow madness here, and even now we look back with a certain fondness now that the melting has begun.

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Sounds like you made the most of it.

But yes, grumpy old fart sounds about right.

Hope Old Man Winter gets the memo that it's now March.

Christopher said...

Well that sounds like a blast...

Mattenylou said...

Happy to see you made it okay, being without power is only fun for the first hour, if that.

Our snow is all washed away in western Mass, and it's looking a bit like Spring today, just for today, tho, for tomorrow will bring more snow....

Be gone, grumpy old fart, it's March!

The Shitty Astrologer said...

Enough winter horrorland eh? You must be feeling like Nanoook of the North...(dibs on the dark meat if you guys harpoon something out there k?)...

Ron said...


If Id'a been there I would have been falling backwards non-stop. I'm a snow angel freak!

"aaaaaah...freak out, le freak says Chic!"

Just think, more month and the warmth and sunshine will be here. You'll be sitting on your back porch sipping a cloudy!


Hope you're warm and snuggly today - far far away from the that grumpy old man winter. Damn him!

Fab post, my friend!

Talk to you later!


Alicia said...

Is every winter this bad for you Kathryn? Why do you have to shake the trees? I sure hope better weather is in store for you this week my friend.

Tina said...

You have an award waiting for you at my blog - check it out!! :)

Oddyoddyo13 said...

And through the middle of all this, Kathryn still has time to take pictures. Haha....that's why we love you Kathryn.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Aw, Kathryn, losing power's the worst! Thank goodness for sisters, huh?

wendy said...

Ah, snowsuits! Don't ya just love how they some how make us look like a cross between the Michelin Man and if you're short like me, an oompa loompa? I recently tried on the over-all type snow pants and man are they ever a downer to a woman's figure LOL! You are so much braver than me, Kathryn. I don't like being out in the snow let alone making snow angels in it. I agree, Old Man Winter is a grumpy old fart and he needs to leave. He's over stayed his visit.

Lauren said...

Even grumpy old farts have good in them... you just have to dig (HA!) to find it. Think of all the crusty characters played by Walter Matthau. When spring does come, you just won't have to water your lawn. Ever. And no risk of fires. Important with teenaged boys. Or is that pyromaniacs?

TC said...

Sounds like fun, OK not fun all the time but you made the best of it. I want to know "table saw?" this is not computing.
They keep saying the s word on the news here (spring), I'm afraid they will chase it away. My husband keeps saying the roads have gone to sh**, I keep telling him we've had more snow than we've had in 20 years this winter.

Bernadine said...

Hi Kath

You always make me laugh with your postings. If the winter postings this good then I can't wait for the summer postings!! :)

Have a fab Tuesday.

Momiji chan said...

hah you know you always fasinate me with your pictures but look on the bright side there wont be any snow coming your way for a while again YAY i guess spring did answer my letter its going to hotter this week as the days go by

jh said...

Sounds like torture but fun.

Unknown said...

WOW! Kathryn, I am SERIOUSLY impressed! You are such a trooper. Hopefully your 'hood is restored soon. Hang in there! You could always come up here... all of our snow is melting!!!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

UGH! All that snow and tree bendiness is uncalled for.

kathryn said...

Runnergirl: Yes, snow is very pretty...especially when it's someone else's. And you're right, of course...I am now allowed endless chocolate and cocktails!

Kathy: My sister said the same thing about the snow blower. She swears that this is the year she'll buy it (at the end of the season, of course). I'll grudgingly admit that shoveling is the most cardio I get these days!

Fierce: HA! Plus, you've got that whole "Arctic Air" thing going on...(makes dramatic, swirling motions with her arms)

KT: Hey, you! Happy to see you're BACK! I guess cold is subjective. If it hits 40 here, it's a freakin' heat wave!

kathryn said...

WannaBeVirginiaW: Aw. No more snow? I honestly can't imagine. You always want what you can't have...right?

Spot: You are correct, of course. And that's what memories are all about...those stand-out moments. I would just prefer the next one be located on some beach...when it's WARM. (I feel like I should specify that!)

ValleyWriter: Wow! I'll TAKE IT! So kind of you to suggest that! You know me soooo well, sweetie!!

kathryn said...

Tinkerschnitzel: Aw, you would've been out there, too. Trust me! When your sister rescues you and then says "WE" need to clean up those branches, you kinda have no choice in the matter! But, you'd be off the hook 'cause you've got that nasty cold and all...

uo-chan: Maybe you sent it to the wrong address? I do believe Spring is vacationing in the sunny Bahamas...

Straight Guy: Wow...think of how much you could have gotten had you scalped that ticket! I guess getting home's more important, though...especially when "home" is south of here. Yes, we began to melt a bit on Monday & Tuesday, but last night we got 2 more inches and awoke to black ice and swirling snow. It's the winter that won't let go, I tell ya!

kathryn said...

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt: I don't think The Grumpy Old Fart believes in memos. That's a good deal of the problem, I think! I keep sending 'em...and he keeps shredding 'em!

Christopher: really was fun. I don't want to do it again, though.

Mattenylou: Hey! Massachusetts is beginning to melt, huh? Yes, we got that snow as well. But, we're in the HOME STRETCH!

kathryn said...

Gruntilda: Oh, you're welcome to ANYTHING I can harpoon over here! And yeah...Nanook...Frosty...I can totally relate to all of 'em!

Alicia: No, this is a BAD one. We had to shake the trees to un-bend 'em...they were MAJORLY weighted down with wet, heavy snow.

Tina: Aw! Thank you, sweetie! I'm heading your way now.

kathryn said...

RON! HA! I can just picture you...flinging yourself backwards...over and over again! And then us trying to get you UP again!!

I just want a little warmth, sweat...just comfy-warm.

That's not asking for too it??

kathryn said...

Oddyoddyo13: Ha. That's the writer in me! The same one who's miserable, but already thinking of how I'll word it in a post! Admit do it, too!

Maureen@IslandRoar: Yes...sisters and electricity! We need BOTH!

Wendy Blum: HA! You are absolutely right! I definitely looked like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man...but in BLUE, so that made it So. Much. Better.

kathryn said...

Lauren: HA! Teenaged boys....pyromaniacs...I can see how you'd confuse them! You're right...we'll NEVER have to water the lawn. Again. WTF made you think of Walter Matthau??

TC: All true. Yes..."table saw"...and no, it doesn't work when you try and cut a big, thick, ice-encrusted, broken branch with it. The roads HAVE gone to sh!t...there's more potholes than blacktop!

Bernadine: Thank you, sweetie! I really have to work on not complaining so much, though. I'm seriously working on this!

kathryn said...

uo-chan: Well, "hot" is relative! Maybe "hot" in YOUR neck of the woods...I'd be happy with anything above freezing for us!

JH: Hey, doll! Tortuous fun. Yeah...that about covers it. It's a helpless feeling to have no powah.

SMOOG: Aw. Thanks....we got a preview of warmer weather the last 2 days, but winter returned today. I guess we're in for some teasing till spring officially decides to arrive.

Kristy: I totally agree. To whom can I complain? Do we have an address? An email address, preferably? I can "cc" the other seasons so we're all on the same page...

superchance said...

love ur photos. and the snow. esp the snow. i live in the desert ( albuquerque, new mexico) and we dream of snow like this! so i can see how you would prob get sick of it but man I'd love to be enjoying that in real time!!!! thanks for sharing the beautiful pics!

kathryn said...

superchance: Ha! I'm glad you liked them! I can appreciate them...especially from a safe (warm) distance. You just need to travel somewhere and get your fix of this never-ending white stuff...

Heather said...

Well at least you got to spend quality time with your sister, making memories.

kathryn said...

Heather: Yes, spending time with Laura and my nieces is absolutely the best part. We still mention things that happened "when the powah went DOWN" (Saying it all scary-ominous-like....)

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