Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Traumatic Tuesday

We all know how incredibly fearless I am, right?

Okay, so maybe there are a very small, practically insignificant number of things that will send my heart a-racing…

…one of which is actually smaller than the above photo in real life.

Yes, I realize I’m the stereotypical female…screaming like a banshee at first sight of a little Mickey or Minnie mouse running through my house. I won’t deny that it totally creeps me out.

I do believe that my issue stems from the fact that the alleged mouse does not belong in my house. Under any circumstances. It goes against the most basic order of things…and my muddled brain simply cannot comprehend what this…rodent …(ew) is doing in my homewhere I live. Do you see what I’m saying? It’s un-natural, I tell ya.

So. Now that I’ve accurately conveyed my discomfort with things being in places where I’m convinced they do not belong, I draw your attention to Exhibit A.

But wait. Let me set the scene. I’ve stopped into a local family-owned store called Adam’s. Fabulous store…freshest fruits and veggies, on-site bakery…their own greenhouses, the freshest seafood, cheeses from around the world (literally!)…well, you get the picture. Whenever anyone comes to visit, it’s off to Adam’s we go. I’d stopped in to get Connor (13) some strawberries…and some pineapple...and myself some salmon, ‘cause Kathryn looooves her salmon. After securing my slice of fishie-heaven, I decide to cruise the meat and poultry section and that’s when I saw IT. Actually, there were about 6 of them…and I GASPED IN COMPLETE AND UTTER HORROR! I really, really did. Then, I thought of all of YOU and I knew you’d wanna see it but I was gagging too much and it was really hard to hold my cell. The nice produce lady (we’ll call her Saint Eileen) sensed I was a trainwreck waiting to happen and offered to arrange and shoot said HORROR. It’s so gross, I’m getting skeeved out just thinking about it. Are you seriously ready? LOOK:

For a mere $15, this can be YOURS.

Now, tell me this is not unnatural….

Anonymous said...

Omfg....That's the freakiest thing I've ever seen. What the hell would you even use that for? Halloween decorations? Keeping trouble making kids off your property by making them think you're some sort of freak? Wow...that's a new one for me.

diane rene said...

yeah ... ew!

my aunt is from the philipines, so when a party is hosted at their house, a FULL pig is present ... as the main course.

Anonymous said...

Wilbur? Oh my god, it's wilbur! Oh nooooooooo.

Alicia said...

Omgosh Kathryn! This is the funniest thing! Not that I haven't seen it, cause I have; but because I was looking everywhere for mice to be in that bag and it was a pig face!!! Loved it!

Moonrayvenne said...

I've never seen a pig's head in plastic, but my sis roasts a whole one almost every year.
I actually have a pic of a lamb's head from one of my supermarkets here. It's actually creepier than the pig head. I promise I will not share it with you! (((HUGS)))

carissajaded said...

OH MY GOD NOOOO!!!! I've never seen a pigs head when it wasn't on a pig... and thanks to this post l never want to see one again. That is deeeesgusting. Poor little Wilbur. That'll do pig, that'll do.

Also, I posted about my ants tonight, which reminded me of you.

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that my gasp of horrified shock turned into a laugh? I know... I'm sorry... I always laugh at the most inappropriate of moments. I guess that's my body's way of reacting to stressful situations. It's better than peeing all over myself, I suppose... Come to think of it, maybe I've been in Kuwait for too long, because my first thought was "haram". Heehee. Heeere, piggy piggy piggy... :p

Runnergirl said...

That's all wrong in the nature of wrongness. It took me a while to work out what it was given that it was so out of place!

Momiji chan said...

i think you just made me loose my appetite uggghh......... T.T thats just wrong i say WRONG! /.\ ha ha thats my angry face ^-^

Momiji chan said...

and by the way happy belated birthday to you ^-^ sorry ive been off with the times over here so i havent been updating as i should ha ha ^^;

Bernadine said...

Ewwww.... That is so... jig... And people buy it cook it and actually eat it. That is so discusting. In certain stores here in SA they also sell those things and chicken legs (with the feathers, toe nails and everything else on it. Don't know how people can eat that as well... jig!!!)

You should enjoy your Wednesday Kathryn!!

Alan W. Davidson said...

You're right, Kathryn. It's way up there on the ewwwww factor. And I thought that our local 'cod tongues' and 'seal flippers' were odd dining selections. How does one consume a pigs head?

Anonymous said...

CREEPY!!!!! Dang that's insane. But I guess it wouldn't be so creepy if you dined in the way of ye olde Saxons and Norsemen; a meal couldn't POSSIBLY be complete without a piggy head to top it off. Off with their head!


JD at I Do Things said...



I'm not upset that you posted a photo of a grody pig head. I'm upset because I wanted to post a photo of a grody pig head! But you beat me to it! Oh, well. There are plenty of pig heads to go around, I s'pose.

I saw my pig head at the not-very-upscale ethnic food market near my house. There was no understanding produce lady to help me recover from my shock OR take a photo (bad blogger: I didn't have my camera with me). So I just gawked and screamed and fainted all by myself, much to the disapproval of pig-head-buying patrons.

Unknown said...

Well, technically, it IS natural. But very disturbing. The worst I've seen at my little grocer is a gigantic cow tongue. I've heard you can make great tacos de lengua from them--but I'm not going to test the recipe.

Kelly@MentalGarbage said...

GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!!! EWWWW!!! I would have had to leave.....

Daily Panic said...

SCREAM! Holy Pigs head! The only time i want to see a pigs head is roasted with an apple in it.

That is just shocking!

Tinkerschnitzel said...

I was looking for mice too. Eewww. No thank you!

Oddyoddyo13 said...

At first I was wondering what the heck that was....then I nearly fainted. I thought you were talking about mice....Ugh. That's waaaaayy worse.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

My jaw just hit the floor.

Tia said...

I'm feeling a bit self-conciously ethnic here but my family uses the ENTIRE pig including the head. I personally don't prepare anything from pig head but I bet I could call my Grandma right now and get instructions on how to use that bad boy. :)

Carol said...

Oh damn, that's all I can say. Seriously? You have got to be freaking kidding me!

Heather said...

I would rather see a mouse!!

I had an exboyfriend that told me about how they used to dig a hole in the ground and put firey coals and a hog head in it. the thought of it totally grossed me out!

BlackLOG said...

The only problem that I can see is that it probably won't fit in our oven.....It's not like it's a horses head or anything....OK so if you are a big fan of Babe and/or Charlotte's Web I can see a bit of trauma but once you get the BBQ sauce/apple Sauce on it.....Hmm Mrs B pass me that other eye ball....Pop!

When Pigs Fly said...

That is just nasty! I'm not sure what one would do with that but give it a proper burial in the yard. It's so funny you made the comment about mice. I just did as well in my latest post.

dailyseeking said...

Head cheese I bet!

kathryn said...

Gavin: I KNOW!! It's a freakin' scary, gross, disgusting HEAD, Gav!! I asked the nice lady if they sell a lot and she said "sometimes". I asked if they scared little kids and she said "Yeah. That's why they're behind that post."

diane rene: Yes! I've seen the full-pig-body deal...at friend Margarete's Luau last year. Somehow, it wasn't as gross when it was cooked...!

WannabeVirginiaW: HA! LOL! I just spat wine all over my monitor. You are TOO FUNNY!

kathryn said...

Alicia: HA! Oh, God...so the actual PIGFACE did NOT faze you? The day they start selling little Mickeys or Minnies at the local store is the day I stop food shopping!

Collette: Now, there's a sentence I'll bet you never thought you'd say: "I've never seen a pig's head in plastic." THANK YOU for saving me from the lamb's head....("ewwwww!!")

carissajaded: Aw. We're "ewwww!"-ing together! I know...it's horribly un-natural. I'm on my way to check out YOUR ants (something I wish we DIDN'T have in common)

kathryn said...

~:C:~ HA! You are too funny! You may laugh all you wanna...oh reader-from-a-safe-distance. Could you DIE from that snout-shot?? I'm so glad nice lady took that angle!

Runnergirl: I KNOW! I felt the same way...no matter how you look at it, it's just....wrong.

uo-chan: HA! I just wrote how "wrong" I thought it was (above) and that's what YOU said! So true!!

kathryn said...

uo-chan: Thank you, sweetie! Loved your photos from Japan!

Bernadine: Why do people eat these things? I mean, who wakes up one morning and says, "I think I'll go buy myself a pig's head today!" I just don't get it!

Alan W. Davidson: I have no idea how one consumes this HORROR. But, I'm not exactly feeling the love for the cod tongues & seal flippers, either...

kathryn said...

Fierce: HA! Well, YEAH...if we're going back to Ye Olde Olden Days of Yore, then we're good to go! But it's creepy no matter what the age, don't you think?

ValleyWriter: I KNOW! A little too close to the real deal, right?? I swear...and it was at eye level for little, innocent kiddies! GROSS.

Maureen@IslandRoar: I'm sorry, sweetie! Those are all valid questions...and had I not been continually gagging, maybe I would have thought to ask 'em! (Gags)

kathryn said...

JD at I Do Things: I SWEAR...I thought of YOU FIRST...after your post about the chicken feet, which also grossed me out. Oh, and for the record? I really don't travel with my camera...it's my CELL. But really...the only thing that would have made this shopping experience more horrifying would have been if I'd seen it up close in someone's cart!!

E. Peevie: LOL! You're right, of course. And ew. That's pretty disturbing in its own right. WHY do they have to put this stuff OUT? Can't they just keep it in the back??

KellyGrrl: I KNOW! I made such a ruckus...seriously....I did NOT handle it well. I've NEVER seen anything so....well, GROSS. That's the word...

wendy said...

It's Babe! Just in time for Mother's Day Brunch. That'll do Pig. That'll do.
This is the gift you can give to the person who's already got 'everything else.' Bet they'll remember you for a loooong time to come =)
And I agree with Gavin. These would make great Halloween decorations. The stench alone would be outstanding. Ya know, in case you wanna REALLY upstage and gross out your neighbors this year.

kathryn said...

Daily Panic: I totally agree! Somehow, it's much easier to stomach when it's roasted...oh, and I don't know, maybe attached to a BODY??

Tinkerschnitzel: Oh, God. Could you imagine? You should know by now that my brain is wired a bit differently...the mice-reference had to be the lead-in. See??

Oddyoddyo13: I KNOW. I'm sorry, sweetie. There was NO EASY WAY to ease into THAT. Right?

kathryn said...

Kristy: Uh-huh....and I'll bet you threw up a little too, right??

Tia: Hey, sweetie! Oh, God. Seriously? I knew that someone would be familiar with this....delicacy. "Bad boy" is right! It's definitely not for the faint of heart...and that would be ME.

Carol: Nope...no kidding here. I could NOT make these photos up!

kathryn said...

Heather: HA! I've heard of ppl putting an entire PIG in the ground to roast...but just the freakin' head? Are they animals??

BlackLOG: EW. Thank you for that...I am now TOTALLY skeeved out. WHY would you DO that to me? I'd send you a pig's head, but then you'd think it was a Mafia-warning or something...

When Pigs Fly: Hey, Jen! I agree...it IS nasty. And gross...and not meant to be seen by ME again under any circumstances. Truth is, I won't go back into that meat dept!

kathryn said...

dailyseeking: HA! Head cheese! HA!

Wendy Blum: I KNOW! Unbelievable. I can't believe you guys are thinking about HALLOWEEN. It's freakin' EASTER, people! (grumbles...."they're talking about the stench and everything...gross.")

Momma Fargo said...

Scary. Was he a cop?

Shannon K. said...

That is just all kinds of nasty!

wendy said...

HA HA HA!! I wish Gavin lived nearby! We'd have a blast with those 6 little piggies at the market. 6 little piggies we'd take home. 6 little piggies we'd use to decorate instead of roast beef. And because of 6 little piggies we'd have trick-or-treaters none! Because of the stench. The fact that we would have REAL pig's heads as decor wouldn't faze the kiddies at all...LMAO!
Twisted, I know. Couldn't help myself XD

Momiji chan said...

have something up i think you should look at if you look at my picture on my blog on the tree you can barely see it but its on the grassy part and its a see threw face its pretty creepy looking at it in real life and no its not your imagination either its a real ghost * shutters * i was skeptical back then but now im not so sure anymore this picture makes me scratch my head you will probally do the same go ahead but im warning you its quite creepy once you find out where it is

Unknown said...

Seriously gross!

Bobby Allan said...

OMG! Where the hell do you shop??

kathryn said...

Momma Fargo: Huh? What? Nooooooo. (Why are you looking at me???)

Arizona Mamma: I KNOW! Just what you want to see in your friendly, local, family-owned supermarket!

Wendy Blum: HA! Oh, I just got a shiver even THINKING about YOU and GAVIN together....at HALLOWEEN?? (Shivers...)

kathryn said...

uo-chan: Okay! I think I can handle it! On my way!

Kimberly: I KNOW! I won't go near that section EVER AGAIN.

Chrissy: It's scary, right?? You'd think it would be run by a CULT or something...instead it's a local family and a LOVELY store...except for THIS, of course.

Carolyn said...

When I worked as a chef I had a similar scare. I went into the walk-in refrigerator one day and found a suckling pig waiting to be roasted at a luau. It looked like a little naked (dead) baby on the shelf in the fridge. When I expressed my displeasure the chef covered it with a towel, which made it worse, looking like a (dead) baby taking a nap under a blanket. I couldn't go in the walk-in after that.

kathryn said...

Carolyn: Oh, honey! How (ew!) HORRIBLE! I can totally picture it, too...it sounds creepy and gross and...ew!

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