Thursday, April 8, 2010

Acting Squirrel-y

We’ve had some gorgeous weather here in the northeast. It definitely brings out the very best in people and critters alike.

Connor (13) called my attention to this little bit of oddness the other day:

Me: “WTF? What is he doing?”

Connor: “I have no freakin’ idea.”

Me: “Is it giving birth? Is it pooping? What am I missing here??”

Connor: “Ew. Mom, you are so gross.”

Me: “No. A pig’s head…now, that’s gross. What the hell is wrong with it?”

Connor: “Still no idea. Yeah, take another photo…that’ll help.”

Me: “Now it’s giving me a dirty look. Make it stop.”

Connor: “Maybe it doesn’t appreciate the paparazzi intrusion. I think it needs some privacy.”

Me: “Are you kidding me? Now I feel all dirty. How do you know about the paparazzi?”

Connor: “I watch tv. I’m aware. Should I throw this roll of paper towels at it?”

Me: “What? Wait. Why are you holding a roll of paper towels, anyway?”

Connor: “Gotta go….”

Anonymous said...

XD I've never seen a squirrel lay like that before. Odd. Haha...but I love Connor's "gotta go" reply. Classic.

Slamdunk said...

What a nature mystery. Wonder what he/she thinks of you all the gawkers?

Lauren said...

Like humans are the only ones who enjoy sunbathing and spring... Maybe you should put out a pillow for him. Unless the rock is helping him exfoliate! Spa treatments on the cheap! That is one smart squirrel.

diane rene said...

looks like what my ex boyfriend's bearded dragon used to do - sunbathe on a warm rock. I've never seen anything non-reptile do that tho. too funny

Anonymous said...

The squirrel is chillin' waiting for you to bring him/her wine.

brite said...

“Is it giving birth? Is it pooping? "
aaahahahahahhaahahaha.That's, by far, the funniest thing I've read today.And I think those pictures are great!

BlackLOG said...

McG (our lardy cat) does that on our heated bathroom floor. He's getting on a bit so we think he is easing his arthritic pains....either that or he is fed up with the cold food we feed him and he is trying to heat it post ingestion....

Bernadine said...

Aww... that is a cute little squirrel!! Maybe he/she is just soaking up all the sunshine!! :)

I'm glad that you are getting nice weather there.I think it is a relief after all the snow this winter. Winter is approaching here though. :( Oh well...

You should enjoy your day and weekend. :)

Gigi said...

Yup, I agree that squirrel is sunbathing. You should have stuck around to get a picture when she "flipped" - to make sure the tan is even!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

A roll of paper towels in a kids hands is never a good sign...

I LOVE that photo! What is with that squirrel??

Anonymous said...

That's so funny. My theory: it's a solar power squirrel recharging after a long winter. *WALL-E ping sound*

Daily Panic said...

You are too funny! I know what that squirrel was thinking..."Are you looking at me looking at you? What are you looking at?"

He just welcomed the sun. I am too!

Runnergirl said...

We saw a squirrel doing this in Florida once - I think it's trying to warm itself on the warm stone? Very cute though... and your commentary made me laugh out loud - good thing I'm working from home today!

Unknown said...

I definitely think he's sunbathing. When I was in California last fall, I saw a bunch of squirrels hanging out at the beach one day. Hey - it was a gorgeous day, I don't blame them! Pina coladas for everyone!!

Selina Kingston said...

That squirrel is cleary doing what I should be doing and as it is a beautiful Spring day here in sunny England, I'm off to catch some rays. Your post made me laugh....a lot !!

Heather said...

Awww, how cute! Just soaking up some sun!
They can be soo cute, when they aren't eating my peach tree!

Why was he holding a roll of paper towels?

Stephanie said...

lol We have a lot of those little creatures around here and I have never seen anything like that! Maybe he was trying to pick up??

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

I love squirrels! I just want to pick them up and squeeze them!

Momiji chan said...

a friend of mine got bitten by a squirrel one time out of school.... he came in with bandages around his finger had to get shots he couldnt even write that day and we both still love squirrles is that weird? O.O ^-^

wendy said...

How sweet and cute! You caught a squirrel taking time out to get warmed by the sun. It looks so relaxed. Makes me 'squirrely' to want to go outside in the warm sun and lay out on a warm rock =)
OK, maybe not on a rock,lol,maybe more like on a chaise lounge. So long as it's warm and cozy I would be,as you say,Golden.

Moonrayvenne said...

I have never seen a squirrel do that before. It's a cute pic! (((HUGS)))

Carol said...

Squirrels need followers too. Maybe he thinks you should be the first.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Having a warm and enjoying the sunshine I would have thought. A very cute picture, you caught him/her at just the right angle.

Oddyoddyo13 said...

That was so hilarious! Only you guys could make something like that out of a squirrel lying on a rock....which is of course why we all love you so much.

Spot said...

I can't believe you stalked a squirrel. Shame on you. I hope you got him to sign a press release.

Funny stuff. So what did Connor spill??

Cute squirrel. Funny convo!

Jerry said...

There's nothing like a cool rock against your tummy. Try it sometime. (Oh -- take pictures.)

Unknown said...

Too funny! None of our squirrels have been sunbathing. They're too busy scurrying around searching for food. Oh, and getting squished by cars. Eeeuuuuww! Saw it happen last Sunday. Not pretty. Maybe our squirrels should take a lesson from yours on how to relax. :)

Gay Guy said...

I'm going to vote for springtime sunbathing.

kathryn said...

Gavin: Connor is very happy that you "get" him. The squirrel, however? I don't think anyone totally gets him!

Slamdunk: Well, by that dirty look, I don't think he cares too much for us paparazzi!

Lauren: It's probably a combination of all three! He does seem pretty comfortable...just annoyed with us watching him!

kathryn said...

diane rene: Yes! I could easily see a reptile (I don't think we even have any outdoor wild reptiles up here) doing that. Maybe it's a squirrel that's having an identity crisis!

WannabeVirginiaW: Yeah, I hear that! That's probably what the dirty look was about!

brite:HA! I'm glad you liked 'em, sweetie! Well, doesn't it look like it's doing something nasty??

kathryn said...

BlackLOG: HA! I wish I had heated floors in our bathroom! Those stones are damn cold in the morning. McG is one smart cookie.

Bernadine: Thanks, sweetie! Yes, the weather here's been beautiful! We all deeply appreciate it after the brutal winter we've had! Hope your weekend was lovely...

Gigi: HA! Loved this comment! (It made Connor laugh as well) I also love how everyone has their own idea of whether it's a "he" or a "she"!

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: I know! I never did find out what the paper towels were for. Whatever it was, Connor took care of it. I think...

~:C:~ HA! Connor loved this response. (And it's not easy to get a chuckle out of a me)

Daily Panic: I know! That's exactly what he was thinking! You sound like a New Yawka to me, sweetie!

kathryn said...

Runnergirl: Ha! Well, I'm glad I didn't get you into any trouble! Yes, the consensus seems to be that little squirrel-y-poo is sunning himself. I still think it looks...odd.

ValleyWriter: Ha! Squirrels on da beach? I cannot even imagine. They seem like two opposites, as I only think of squirrels and TREES. I guess they don't care if it's a palm tree, huh?

Selina Kingston: Aw, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Hope you soaked up some lovely rays!

kathryn said...

Heather: HA! They can be pesky little varmints...can't they? Connor never did fess up to the need for the paper towels. I decided I'd rather not know...

ModernMom: Yeah, maybe that's it! He was having a terrible day at the sq-office and didn't want to get saddled giving "SqMikey" a bath....

Kristy: Um...okay. I can send you some of ours if you'd like...we've got waaay too many! (We've got one recurring guy w/no tail. How un-natural is THAT?)

kathryn said...

uo-chan: Well, that's pretty darn brave, I think. I would probably jump every time I saw a squirrel after that!

Wendy Blum: Yes! This squirrel definitely had that "golden" feel to his lounge...he obviously had no intention of moving!

Collette: I agree! And as long as he respects MY space, I guess I should give him some privacy.

kathryn said...

Carol: HA! You are TOO FUNNY! What a GREAT take on what that squirrel is thinking....I love it!

...Petty Witter: Yes...thank you. I agree that it seems to be somewhat "posing" for the shot. Or, is that a dirty look? I'm not clear on squirrel-signals...

Oddyoddyo13: Aw...thank you, sweetie! I'm always thinking about how you guys would react to what I'm seeing, so it's a 2-way street!

kathryn said...

Spot: HEY. Connor started come HE'S not in trouble? Connor won't spill about what he spilled. Typical BOY.

Jerry: HA! I will NOT tell Connor you've said this. (He'd be on it in a NY minute!)

Kimberly: I know! How many times do we see a squirrel just chillin'?? We had some nasty road kill right by the freakin' mailbox the other day! (Thank God for the highway dept!)

kathryn said...

Gay Guy: Hey, Sweet man! You may vote whichever way you like. He gave ME the dirty look...not YOU.

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