Thursday, March 11, 2010


Lest you think I am incapable of recognizing a reason to rejoice...

...wouldn't want anyone wondering if she's ever going to acknowledge the miraculous transformation of the climate here in the Northeast...

Oh, I'm aware.....make no mistake....I am gleefully aware...

And I'm guardedly moving my boots and scarves to the furthest-most corner of the closet~

…as I cautiously hope….do I dare to utter the words?

Will I jinx it…if I imagine it?

Could spring…..really be…

(As always, thank you bff. You always inspire me to reach for the stars.)

Moonrayvenne said...

Oh, I am praying that we're done with the white stuff! We didn't get near what you had but any snow is too much for me! What were my great-grandparents thinking when they came over from Poland? Oh, I guess I answered my own question. Hey, I can make my own Polish
Here's to the sun & warm temps sticking around!! \_/ \_/ Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Jeez! You're up late. :p

Seriously, though? I'm happy for you now that spring is making an appearance.

carissa said...

Its beautiful!! Its been great here in texas the last few days. I was just starting to think i wouldn't move in with you because of the ice, but now i guess it will just be a seasonle thing!

Dreamfarm Girl said...

Gorgeous flowers!! I hope you are having a lovely well deserved after all that snow. DAylight savings is coming!

KT said...

i think it is...last nite was the first nite in a long time where the temp was around the felt so nice to sweat while sleeping (and no in the dirty way).

Noelle said...

Why on earth would you not have reason to rejoice, jeez, just look in the mirror and TRY, yes TRY and see what everyone else sees. You're a happy person Kat, it comes across incessantly and drives me nuts! But that's okay, stay happy, because it also gives me something to strive for!
I share your feelings, I too am a bit suspicious about okay, what APPEARS TO BE some sort of full creek thaw thing going on around my house. Driveway's mud, road I live on and the road that takes you to the road I live on are as well, slip sliding away is my current theme song, and I AM beginning to see the tiniest buds. I wasn't sure so I went out on the deck off the master and picked (for which I will undoubtedly now be arrested) and I'll be damned if there weren't just the tiniest little buds sticking out of that branch, so now my guilt is causing me to try and force the thing to bloom, we'll see. Maybe I'll end up with a small tree for my bedroom's deck!
Given the past two months of March, when we've had one ice storm in '08, and THREE in '09, we now have TWO large generators hardwired into things like the heat, the hot water heater, the refrigerator, lights, and water pump; and more gasoline in our barn than I know is legal, so nothing is happening.
As I'd hoped and as has always been the case in the past, given the chance, good ole Murph will come running with his law just in case anyone forgot about it. Well, it works two ways, and I am ALMOST ready to say, "So, there" and "Take that", BUT, I am also too much of a wasp not to be superstitous as hell...when instead I could be enjoying this, so unfair.
Good topic, I love the way that you just whip em out! Good that they're getting shorter, I am seeing a pattern in my life, and it's called Brevity, which means that perhaps it's time for me to begin paying attention to it...and not write comments longer than the actual ya, ~M

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Hehe. It makes me feel like Tigger. I want to bounce!

Spot said...

I'd be alot happier if all that thawing didn't turn my yard into one giant mud-pit. And the gravel roads?? Oh well, at least it's a good reason to wear my wellies. Because who doesn't look good when rockin the rubber boots?

Love your optimism. Love your spirit.

Anonymous said...

GASP, no no Kit Kat, put them back, or you will jinx it! Not yet, wait until the end of March.

I hate to snow on your parade, (hehe) but you know what they say in like a lamb out like a lion,then again they could be talking about gas here.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Shush, Kathryn. It's too early, don't jinx it!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so ready for these couple of nice days to stay around for awhile now. Probably not gonna happen for a few more weeks though. never hurts to be optimistic right?

The Shitty Astrologer said...

We're going through a rainy stretch in Toronto and all signs of snow are virtually gone! Usually there's one last blast toward the end of March but I think this year we're going to sail right into Spring....and it couldn't come a day too soon. I hope to see those tulips by April Fools Day...let's just hope Mother Nature doesn't feel like having a wicked sense of humor this year. Nobody's in the mood for it...

jh said...

dint da nint da na na, dint da nint da na na, she's melting!!!!
Let there be spring! I've spoken.

Momiji chan said...

hah yeah were already having spring here good to know you are to throw those boots in the farthest corner and never see them again >.< just saying that cus my boots have fur on them and there ek hah

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Finally huh? I can just picture you dancing with glee.

Unknown said...

Thats good news! Yay! for you Kat. Now your moods will be better.

Lauren said...

I think Spring's coming too! People were wearing shorts today! Crazy people mind you but I didn't wear my coat and I didn't catch hypothermia or get soaked! Oddly enough I thought of you when the yellowy grass appeared. Happy Spring! (I'm still gonna knock on wood)

Alicia said...

I was going to write an Ode to Spring for you, but ummm, What not to Wear is on and Iwanna go watch them. So I borrowed a spring poem for you...enjoy!

Spring Will Be Pretty

Spring will be pretty. Just give it a week, When flowers are blooming down by the creek. Bees will be buzzing as trees start to bud, But for the moment I'm covered with mud. Snow has been melting, since winter is through, Replacing the whiteness with puddles of goo. I stepped off the sidewalk and into the ooze. Next thing I knew, I stepped out of my shoes! Mud on my ankles and mud on my clothes. I stumbled face-first and got mud up my nose. Spring will be pretty, but I must confess, The first days of spring are a muckety mess!

�Dave Crawley

I hope it stick...spring I mean, not the mud. Have a great weekend!

Bobby Allan said... said it out loud. Now you've done it.

gabrielle said...

Just happy to see mud!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes it is! The evil witch of the ice(??) is melting! And I can stop wearing clunky boots now! Yay me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you guys are starting to melt! I am originally from NY and I realized that I am now a wimp. I am cold when it is in the 50's. How sad! I hope the winter storms are over for you all!

Jerry said...

You can withstand any minor weather upsets have weathered the worse. Now you can start planning on rejoicing.

Slamdunk said...

Funny post. We have been eoncouraged by the snow melting sun this past week as well--but the cold, wind, and rain was not enjoyable this weekend.

Patty said...

Hurray for spring! Great colors, fantastic weather, is any season better? P.S. I love the little "I'm melting" insert!

Unknown said...

Aw... such a sweet post. I love that picture!!!

Our snow is melting too but no flowers yet. Hopefully soon...

*fingers crossed*

kathryn said...

Collette: I'm with you, sweetie! Here's to the warm sun on our faces....and a spring in our steps! We so totally deserve this change of season! ((hugs right back at-cha!))

~:C:~ Thank you, doll. And I promise to stop whining. About the weather.
Ha! Hope all is well in your neck of the world...

carissa: COME ON DOWN! (I mean, UP.) Da weather's lookin' better and better! How about we alternate between your place & mine? Best of both worlds, bay-bee!

kathryn said...

Dreamfarm Girl: YAY! We get to save daylight...and SEE the gorgeous, colorful flowers with it! Who could ask for anything more???

KT: Wow....the 80's? At night?? Wow....that IS warm! do you have a ceiling fan? Sounds like perfect ceiling fan sleeping temps...

Noelle: Aw! Pish! I LOVE hearing from you, sweetie! Wouldn't that be great if you could force that plucked, pillaged branch into a new baby tree for your deck!
And I should've known that the reason we're finally seeing some nice weather is 'cause you're all prepped up there for more BAD weather (ie: generator, etc), I KNOW spring is officially on the way!
Hope you're seeing lots of birds 'n' blooms! xoxo

kathryn said...

Tinkerschnitzel: I know! It's so amazing to feel the warmth returning...and to hear the trickle of water and have it NOT be rain...but the melting of the snow as the water pours out the gutters. Bring it on!

Spot: Love the idea of you in those little rubber boots! I don't suppose they're yellow? Or even better...polka dot? You could totally ROCK polka dot....

WannabeVirginiaW: HA! No, I'm smart (wary/cynical) enough to realize it could snow in April. It'd better NOT, though....'cause this April baby is not fond of snow in her birthday month.

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: I'm trying not to jinx it, but I want to be grateful after all the bitching I've done all winter long!

Gavin: No, never hurts to be optimistic....truer words were never spoken. And sometimes...if we're very, very good and look very, very hard...we can find the good in just about anything....(just about).

GRUNTILDA: I agree! I think Mother Nature would be in for some serious ass-kicking if she DARES to deliver a late one-two punch this year. We've all suffered enough!

kathryn said...

jh: Hey, doll! You've heard it here, folks....she's said the magic words! YAY! Spring's on it's way...for sure!

uo-chan: HA! I don't even want to see anything with fur on it for at least another 8 months. Unless it's one of our furry pets, that is...

Oddyoddyo13: You're picturing me correctly, my dear! Glee/bliss/the Snoopy dance of happiness!

kathryn said...

Lily Johnson: Yes! Now, everyone can get on with the business of LIVING!

Lauren: HA! Yeah...knock on that wood...we wouldn't want to take any unnecessary chances. Sick, yellowy grass makes you think of me?? How su-weet! (JK!)

Alicia: HA! I LOVE this poem! In all it's muddy, sticky glory! Thanks so much for sharing, sweetie!

kathryn said...

Chrissy: Yeah...I know. Now, everyone'll know who to yell at if winter returns. It's okay...that's why they made caller ID.

Gabrielle: Yes! I KNEW that brown goo was under all that frozen, grey crap somewhere!

Fierce: YAY! Now we can wear clunky shoes! And then we can wear clunky sandals! YAY for US!!

kathryn said...

Christiejolu: are NOT a wimp! No native New Yorker is EVER a wimp! NOT possible! You simply demand warmer temps...that's all.

Jerry: Oh, yeah! The driveway from hell has left me TOUGH AS NAILS...a little rain and wind and mud and humidity are NOTHIN' compared to THAT.

Slamdunk: I know. The cold, wind and rain were not a walk in the park...but they're a distant memory after the last few days here. With temps hovering near 70 and nary a cloud in the sky, it's hard to find fault with Mother Nature.

kathryn said...

Patty: Thank you! Yes, I agree....Horray for Spring! I don't think I've ever longed for a season more than this one!

SMOOG; flowers for us yet either (except on my computer). We've got about 2" of green stalks, though....daffodils, perhaps?

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