Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chaotically Windy Weekend Weather

Kathryn: “You would not believe the weekend weather we had here in New York. Seriously…it was un-freakin’-believable.”

Clinton Kelly (My ever-patient IV): “Try me.”

K: (Shrugs) “Well, that’s really not fair. I mean, you live here too. The question would only be valid to someone in another part of the country…or, the world. It would therefore only be a legitimate question for say, the queen of England…

…who by the way, looks very much like my maternal grandmother. I don’t know why I never noticed this before. I’m now beginning to wonder if we could be related.”
CK: (Smiles) “You don’t think that possibly the bling may be affecting your ability to properly recognize familial similarities? It might just be wishful thinking…”

K: “Noooo. I really think I may be related to her. Give me my phone. Would she be listed under “Q”, or “E”, do you think??”

CK: (Slips cell phone into couch cushion) “Wait a minute. Who’s the other person that could legitimately inquire about our New York weekend?”

K: (Sighs) “Your attempt at distracting me is so transparent, it’s insulting, Kelly. I shall play along for the moment: I was thinking of Ah-nold..

…as those teevee ads for California tourism are starting to look better and better, given the insanely bizarre weather conditions we’ve had this weekend. Do you know we received an average of 4-6” of rain and had wind gusts averaging between 50-75mph? That’s the equivalent to a category 1 hurricane. So, we’ve left worse-than-Siberia weather and now we’re down and dirty with the tropics…but with none of the perks of sunshine, balmy temps and well, ya know, the ocean.”

CK: “And?”

K: (Confused) “And? And…what? You need more than that? That isn’t enough? I mean, granted…our biggest challenge is some major flooding, even more downed trees and as for electricity? Fuggetaboutit. Look, I realize it could be much worse but I’ve got to tell you: listening to that howling wind for close to 48 hours straight starts to get to you. Here…I recorded some of it:

CK “What am I supposed to be hearing? This doesn’t sound like much of anything- - - “

K: “Wait for it….


And for those of you who need a visual to truly appreciate the chaotic scene that accompanied this nightmarish reverberation, I’ve provided a fairly accurate depiction of our humble abode. I'll give you a moment to take it all in:”

CK: “Is this what you were working on all afternoon? I’d wondered what all the swearing, sighing and banging was about…”

K: “Well, I had to make some kind of noise to block out that infuriating howl……….”

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I know the feeling. It's been raining all weekend here too and that HOWLING!!! This constant annoying "a-woooooo" sound, it creeps me out I gotta tell ya. Plus there's the small issue of all the mud everywhere. It's horrible. I don't know which I hate more, the constant howling or the snow...


Anonymous said...

It hasn't been as bad here but it's definitely been windy and rainy. Though I'll take that over cold and snow for a while. XD Your sound clip was kinda creepy though, I'm not gonna lie.

Oddyoddyo13 said... more snow-but look! There's rain!

Heather said...

We had one of those wind storms here a few weeks back. I would rather hear the dogs howling than the wind, anyday! Couldn't even open the front door without the wind grabbing it and slamming it against the house.

Hang in there it has to stop sometime.

Lauren said...

There's still liquid in that martini glass so clearly it's not that bad. This may be a silly question, but why does your power keep going out? Candle and oil lamp production must be good business around your place. Or... you know... generators whatever.

Ashley S said...

Cute conversation! lol* Let's all move out to Cali.

Hope QE is a long lost relative!! :D ;)

Anonymous said...

Picture this. Last night we had that windstorm too and an obvious air leak from my windows. Apparently I am trying to heat the outside.

So along with that aoooooooo and whistling sound, I was watching True Blood. Creepy? Yeah, I scared.

Alicia said...

I loved the wind sound. We don't get a lot of wind here, or snow, or lightening or thunder. But we've sure had a lot of rain.

I can imagine that would become irritating real quick and your house would get full of dust, although with all that snow that's probably not true right?

That was pretty cool including a clip of the wind. You're so internetically savvy!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

A great post and very cleverly done. Not too wet here in the North East of England though it's been very windy and cold. By the way - Lizzie, Her Maj,(call her what you will) - Queen Of England asked me to pass on her regards and to thank you for the mention.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Wow, that little collage looks like life here this w/e. Pretty creepy. Did you lose power? We did but not till Midnight, so I went to bed. It went on and off all night, but was up by morning.

The Shitty Astrologer said...

I've been told that the soundbyte sounds just like what's between my ears....told by professionals, that is, and my significant other. I don't know who to believe...

Spot said...

Ha! Love the collage!! Hope your house landed safely in Oz with no dead witches!!

I pretty much hate wind too. But I'm not above enjoying a good power outage now and then.


Unknown said...

So I've been staring at your collage for 5 minutes. I even clicked on it to blow it up. And I still can't figure out what that pinkish thing is in the upper right corner. Did QE's dress blow off or something?!?
I'm not sure that's something I'd want to see...

brite said...

You know, it was the wind that drove Van Gogh mad...
just saying.

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Hurry up! Grab the martini and let's get out of here! Aaaaahooooo.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the wind.....

you have to be in it, with the right person to be in it...

you get it?

Áine said...

The wind can be so loud!! I thought I was the only one who actually noticed :) lol

Momiji chan said...

did i tell i stayed for the hurrican reita thats nothing compared to what i herd *shaks head* youll be fine but if you where my dog not saying you are but if it was him he'd but right up in my face hah

Straight Guy said...

Wait, did I just spend a minute listening to air move? Got me again, K.

Just wait it out. Summer always happens, somehow.

carissa said...

I'm kind of jealous of your windstorm. But I'm crazy like that. I just want tornadoes.

Bobby Allan said...

Sounds like you need some insulation! AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

wendy said...

Now that's entertainment when the wind is talking to you! Gotta love it. But at least it isn't more freezerdoodle =) Rain is gross but I love it better than the frosty stuff. Have you ever thought of making your own Halloween CD? You did an outstanding job of taping the wind. And you have enough time to add even more sound effects if the hurricane winds continue. Something to consider. I love Halloween so I'd buy your CD =)

kathryn said...

Fierce: Yeah, I hear THAT. At least the snow is freakin' quiet! Of course, then it's almost too quiet, so...I do believe that sunshine and a gentle breeze are definitely the ticket!

Gavin: Ya liked that scary clip, eh?'s creepy....and even moreso in the middle of the night. Seriously eerie...

Oddyoddyo13: HA! Yup....the "warmer cousin" of snow! It's all in the family! But oh, that wind!

kathryn said...

Heather: It's scary stuff, this high wind...right? I found myself wondering if I'd hear the thunderous *CRACK!* of a tree crashing down...and evidently, that IS what many people heard over the 3 days of this storm. We were extremely LUCKY.

Lauren: You are correct, my dear. And so astute...I DID make sure to find a graphic that showed the glass as half-full!! And it's GENERATORS...they're evidently the brass ring around here. But we've fared better than some on Long Island...they've been without power for 5 days and won't get it back for at least another 48 hours.
It's just been a BAD season 'round here...

Ashley S: HA! Well, Alicia's been suggesting I check out California, so maybe it's time we give it a go! We'll use some of my future inheritance from QE to buy a place by the beach!!

kathryn said...

WannabeVirginiaW: Why the hell were you watching True Blood? You weren't feeling creeped out enough already??
Very thoughtful of you to attempt to heat the entire neighborhood, though...I'm sure they're super-appreciative of that. (Snicker)

Alicia: Um. No internetically savvy here! You've no idea the steps it took to figure out how to take a video of sound and put it on the world wide web. It would have been less involved if I'd just flown you in to hear it for yourself.

Petty Witter: Aw...very kind of you to pass along Lizzie's regards. Tell her that lunch the other day was great...and if she'll send someone over, I'll gladly return her Tupperware from that leftover casserole.

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: I'd no idea till just recently that it was, in fact another Nor'Easter..., so I'm not surprised you got hit as well. Thankfully, we only lost power for a few hours...and only ONCE. I found myself shouting at the wind to "SHUT UP!!!" on more than one occasion.

GRUNTILDA: Really? Huh. So, it's all just scary, whiny, white noise in there? Have you considered being studied?? I'm sure they're all wrong, sweetie!

Tinkerschnitzel: Oh, I love the sound of windchimes! But, I'm guessing with 75mph winds, they'd be in the next city by now! Yes, we're thawing...and now we've finally been blessed with some sunshine! Hallelujah!

kathryn said...

Spot:, we're in the land of OZ...and in COLOR, too! Walking across the front lawn, your boots make this lovely *squishy* sound! And we've got the SUN! SCORE!

ValleyWriter: HA! What a good girl you are....actually taking the time to digest my "mastah-piece" (said with a snooty professor-ish accent). That was originally a character in a sheet/blanket...which would have fit the chaos of one of us entangled in the wind/dark...but the face in the illustration was a scary dude, so I decided to blur him out, which then made him even scarier! But, it was a scary night, so I allowed it. Thank you for noticing!

kathryn said...

brite: A-HA! Well then...there you GO! I can TOTALLY relate! I wonder though...what I could use as my excuse for before the wind?? Any suggestions??

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt: I'm right behind you! Don't stop, or I'll spill the rest of this damn martini!!

Sir Thomas AKA (Winters Reaper): Is this a test? 'Cause if it's a test, then I've failed miserably...

kathryn said...

Smileyfreak: Well, this wind was impossible to miss! It absolutely HOWLED...and pretty much constantly for 3 days!

uo-chan: Yeah, well....doggies don't take too well to the chaos of storms. Metro actually fared pretty well, all things considered.

Straight Guy: Yup. Ya listened to da wind....but not just any wind....this was super-chaotic-intense-almost-hurricane wind! 'Tis totally different.

kathryn said...

Carissa: Hey you! How'd the move go? Are you all settled in?, you wanna be one of those tornado-chaser-guys in your spare time??

Chrissy: Aw...and that AWOOOOOOOOO! sounds a lot like another little beauty we know. (Hey, Bernie! ((waves enthusiastically)) whilst Metro says, "Where? Where??))

Wendy Blum: HA! Well, I guess I would consider making a Halloween CD, but other than that maniacal wind, you'd probably just hear my voice telling it to "SHUT UP, ALREADY!" and then you'd hear Metro's snoring...not really very Halloween-y....

Dreamfarm Girl said...

I can't believe your weather this year! A colleague of mine in NY had no electricity or phone, but did have water in her basement and a tree on her house! I am glad your house is still intact.

kathryn said...

Dreamfarm Girl: Oh, poor NY colleague! That totally bites! Yes, there have been some ppl in Jersey who've been w/o power for a WEEK now. Can you imagine?? We really were very lucky, overall.

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