Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Short and (not) Sweet

So, the driveway was frozen.

So, I'd planned on working diligently from home...steadfastly avoiding the daunting task of purchasing salt, spreading said salt and ultimately attempting to break up my frozen stream, formerly-known-as-my-driveway.

Fate, however...had other plans.

Or, more accurately...it was Murphy's Law.

I've just now returned from a very long stay at the hospital, where they rushed my eldest. I've nothing more to add at this time, other than this: Autism sucks. He's okay...but autism still sucks. Make no mistake about it.

Upon arriving home (after barely making it up said ice-skating-rink, formerly-known-as-my-driveway) I discovered there's something wrong with my furnace. The temperature in my house was a balmy 53 degrees. Luckily, da boys didn't seem to notice.

I'm renting this place...and I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the homeowners (who are this close to foreclosing) will not get back to me by morning, when I'll have to call a furnace repair place and deduct it from the already over-inflated rent. Let's just hope the furnace-guy has chains on his tires, so he can make it up my driveway.

And so, I hope you will forgive me for saying "eff you" to this day. I'm taking a hot bath and having myself a good cry...then I'm going to bed.

Because sometimes, faithful readers....life is simply not all that funny.

Bobby Allan said...

You just got home now? Oh, I'm sorry you had such a tough day.

"Eff you" Kathryn's day!

Jerry said...

I'm sorry that this was a sucky day. I hope the bath worked -- and pray that tomorrow the heater will be repaired and that the sun will shine.

We strongly suspect my grandson is autistic -- but his father (my son) is slow to acknowledge it and do something about it. This is something I am wrestling with.

Take care -- and God bless you.


Anonymous said...

): That sucks that your day wasn't very nice. Tomorrow will be better. Cause I say so.

K-J said...

Im hoping that things are looking much better today!!! Sending love and prayers your way!!!

Unknown said...

Kat dear, i am so sorry about the bad bad day. You will be okay. Just rest and try not to worry.
I wish you better days. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kathryn, sorry to hear about your day. Tomorrow is another one. Hoping all will go well for you and the fam jam!

Kelly@MentalGarbage said...

So sorry you had a terrible day. Some days definitely deserve a middle finger....

Lauren said...

Holy poo on toast! That is craptacular in the extreme. I give your day two middle fingers up. Hope tomorrow is better and I hope the bath and the cry help. I also like to curse a diety after a shitty day.

Jenny said...

I will say it with you: Autism SUCKS! Hard! My good friend has 2 boys with it, and girl, that b.s. is no joke. So I got your back. I'm very glad to hear he is ok.

Hugs to you on your stupid day. I hope the crying helps a bit. And that's all I will say because most of the time, words on days like this are just noise.

One more hug and Jenny out.

Chrissie said...

That sucks.

I hope that when you wake up everything is magically better again.

But hey, I prefer warm weather to cold weather... so can we at least look on the bright side with that?

carissajaded said...

I'm so sorry you are having a horrid day!! Sounds awful. I'm sending warm thought and hugs your way, and hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Bernadine said...


We all have these bad days.. I guess. I'll pray that tomorrow (or later today) will be much better for you!!!

Lots of love

From me :)

Tina said...

Oh my God, I'm sorry! Billions of hugs! Love you Kathryn!

Anonymous said...

"The worst is not if we can say 'This is the worst'". Sorry your day's going bad Kathryn, but I'm sure things'll turn around again; hopefully sooner rather than later.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Sorry yesterday was so sucky. I hope you had a nice bath, a good cathartic cry and a goodnight's rest - and are ready to take on the day. **HUGS**

Krissi said...

I know that it is now technically February but I have this long held firm belief that January should be struck from the calendar.

It is one too many months of winter, cold, and basic suckage...

By the time we get to February we are wore out sick to death of cold and enduring another month of winter brings tears to anyone eyes.

What do you think we should form a facebook petition officially banning January from the calendar?

Hope you have a better day, I feel ya girl.

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Oh, sweety, I hope today is better for you, and hope your oldest is okay. Hugs to you!

Momiji chan said...

wow i didnt know your kid had autism so do i haha i bet you couldt tell though i am very high functioning and my mom is a autism teacher so she takes care of me most the time my brother is normal and my other two well...... lets just say there better then me and get this i dont have to go college if i dont want to haha that's pretty cool huh and oh i got a job offer and sorry for not commenting all the time and i will be praying for you as well hope he gets better

Betsy said...

*hugs* one breath at a time my friend.

Ron said...

My Wonderful Friend...

Yeah, this sucks.

Please know that I'm sharing a HUGE cyber hug and TONS of love with you.

I'll contact you via email later this evening when I get home from work, ok?

{{{{{{{ xxxx Kathryn xxxx }}}}}}}

Take care, Tootsie!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, Kathryn,
I'm so sorry. That driveway all by itself is a piece of work. And your son??? I hope you're all okay?
And got the furnace fixed. Some days are better off done.
Sending hugs and warm thoughts....

Jen T said...

Kathryn, I am so so sorry that you had such a terrible day. I hope your son is ok.

We all love you so much, you are such a bright spot in my day when I see a new post or comment from you. Here's hoping the week looks up for you very soon.

EFF YOU Kathryn's day!

Unknown said...

*hugs* Aw honey... feel better soon. I hope you get heat PDQ!!!

Anonymous said...

tough days suck.... but always get better.... with wine!!!

I have renovated my blog home, please come back to visit again. I have missed you!!!

Tia said...

I'll add another "eff you" to your crappy day. I'm so sorry Murphy has attacked so many different areas of your life. :( A good cry, glass of wine, hot bath & sleep all sound like good ideas to me.

Spot said...

Why didn't you text me hun??! I sincerely hope that today is better. I know sometimes the crying is all we can do. But you know this to shall pass and then we move on until the next big crisis. Hubby is fond of saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". And I always say "yes, strong enough to choke the next person who spews plattitudes at me!"

I'm hear if you want to talk.

Oddyoddyo13 said...

I'm so sorry Kathryn. I don't know what happened, but I respect that some things just aren't any of my business.

Darn that ice! I really hope you're okay. Will the bubble bath help? Feel better!

Carol said...

So sorry Sweetie. A bath, a bottle of wine and hopefully, a warm bed to crawl into, my wish for you. Eff this day!

snoble24 said...

so sorry sweety hope you feel better in the morning. some days do suck

TC said...

Here's hoping for a better tomorrow. Hope you are warm and mucking though.

Jenny said...

Hope today was a little better. Hugs.

Noelle said...

Maybe if you rented something new soon as it all thaws so as to avoid moving men law suits, back up workers comp law suits etc...and found something that, if close to foreclosure you can negotiate the rent down to practically, well what it's going to be worth to you when you have 10 days to get out, or pay exhorbinant $ for something secure that also has a FLAT driveway, or you could move to florida or San Francisco, even better, lots more fun, just fewer dates, which I don't think you're worried about right now anyway! Sorry bout your son, is it okay now??

JD at I Do Things said...

I'm so sorry, my BFFFFFF. I hope you feel a little better tomorrow. And take all the time you need.

Alicia said...

I hate that you have to put up with such terrible conditions weatherwise. You should definitely move da boys to California!

I hope things are getting better. Thank goodnes for good cries and alcohol :-)

Jerry said...

Okay. In the short time that I have known you I have not witnessed your absence for this long.

I want you to be well. Be strong. Be happy. Be confident, Be proud.

Do it. Now!


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