Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Pill

So, I'm driving.

And while I'm driving, I'm thinking.

I'm thinking about challenges in life...and how some people just seem to have more than others.

And I'm thinking about how much easier life is when you practice that whole "Denial" thing....and how ignorance really is bliss.

And then I start talking to The Universe. And I say, "Universe? Sometimes, you suck. Is there no checks and balances in your world? Do you just keep throwing it haphazardly...never giving a second thought to the fact that you're getting crap all over some of us, whilst leaving others virtually untouched? Or, un-crapped...if you will?"

Then I realize that The Universe is probably shaking it's head thinking, "What was the question?"

So, I re-phrase: "Universe? WTF do you want from me? I don't suppose you could give me a sign? I'd like to think it won't always be this...hard. Anything? Hel-lo? Is this thing even on??"

And then I saw it...and it was beautiful....and it was my answer!


Anonymous said... this totally just made my day. XD

Christopher said...

Ha! That's great.

Lauren said...

Well... at least it's a much clearer sign than the ones you were educating us about yesterday.

Anonymous said...

There's your sign. LOL

Bernadine said...

O.K. This is very interesting... A large prozac pill....... ok. I had to stop myself from laughing to loud here at work.

Nice little post, Kath.

Have a fab Tuesday!!!! :)

Erika said...

HAHAH! That made my night :)

Spot said...

Where can I get one of those?! Ha. I figure if I dole it out slowly, I could make that one pill last all year!!

I feel you girl. Feel like I need to Lysol wipee the crap off me lately.

Thanks for the giggle,

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Awesome! I'm always looking for "a sign".

Selina Kingston said...

You can trust on the Universe to always deliver! Great blog - just found it.

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Sign me up for one of those pills baby! :-D

f8hasit said...

Love it!

I have a little ceramic plaque in my dressing room that states, "Better Living through Denial."

I love that, too.

Daily Panic said...

This made me smile today!
Sometimes your posts- are prozac!

Tea said...

Ha,loved it.

Jen said...

Good to know the signs are not hard to miss. The universe speaks in mysterious ways. I have posted again. Maybe a little mojo has come back my way.

Lynn said...

1,000,000 mg? That's soooooome happy!

dailyseeking said...

Where do you find these things? This is great!

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Kathryn, I'm starting to believe you live in some magical world the rest of us are only invited to peek in on! Love it! Hope your day is going great.

Unknown said...

LMAO... they say there are signs everywhere. You have been touched by the Prozac pill... you might still get covered in crap, you just won't CARE! Woot! ;o)

I'm having a giveaway for my followers... you should stop by! :o)

Picture Imperfect Follower Giveaway

Ron said...

Hello Kathryn the Great!

Oh dear always make me laugh, my friend.


Isn't the Universe fabulous???

And I howled at the little sign on the rock that says KEEP OUT. I can only imagine how many people wanna walk up and throw themselves atop of the pill!


Hope you're having a great Tuesday, Tootsie!

{{{{{ Tootsie }}}}}}


Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Yay for antidepressants! And wine! And antidepressants and wine together!

Heather said...

Well since the sign song is still in my head. Signs, signs, every where signs.

Carful with those things, they could take you out of reality..oh yeah, thats what you want. LOL!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! This was too freaking funny! So that is the key! I should have known!

Anonymous said...

Ummm... could you give the address of said antidepressant? Maybe if I just lick it, all will be well or at least better.


The Shitty Astrologer said...

The nectar of the Gods (aka booze) also works...and it's less expensive. Other than that, flipping the finger at God DOES NOT work folks - because nobody flips the finger better than God, and you DON'T want to wake up the Sleeping Giant....

Anonymous said...

See Kathryn, The Universe isn't as mean as you thought it was. There's some prozac for your winter-depression (and maybe a little for my homework-depression too)


Carol said...

That's where I left that! It's barely used but I do need it back.....

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Talk about a quick answer!

Jenny said...

I hope you didn't take that on an empty stomach.

I think the Keep Out sign is a nice touch. Gotta keep those neighborhood kids out of the medicine cabinet, man.

Anonymous said...

*shyly clears throat*

Pardon my ignorance, Kathryn, but is that an actual lawn decoration you happened to drive past, or an example of Photoshop magic?

Cuz if it's the former, then that's hilarious. And seriously disturbing. But mostly hilarious.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Ah, if only it was that easy, huh?

kathryn said...

Gavin: Well, I'm. So. Happy! ('Cause it made mine, too)

Christopher: I know, right?

Lauren: Oh, yes (nods head vigorously) totally question about this sign!

kathryn said...

WannabeVirginiaW: YUP! There it was....and it was beautiful and bizarre...all at the same time.

Bernadine: The answer to the world's problems, evidently! Or, at least for the guy whose lawn it was parked on!

Erika: HA! I'm glad! We all need a surprise like this now and then!

kathryn said...

Spot: Yeah...I hear that. We need some big 'ole baby wipes to keep on hand so we can clean away the crap. That's for sure!

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt: Yeah? Me, too! Isn't it nice when The Universe actually answers you for a change??

Selina Kingston: Welcome! Who knew The Universe could deliver in such a BIG way?!?

kathryn said...

ValleyWriter: HA! Ya want the JUMBO size, or the EXTRA-JUMBO size?? Aw, hell...I'll give you one of each...Just. Like. Mine.!!

f8hasit: So very true. I think more people need to practice the fine art of denial!

Daily Panic: Aw! That's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me! (Grins widely)

kathryn said...

Isabella: Oh, I'm glad...I know it made my day!

Jen: Well, then The Universe is listening to me more and more, 'cause you've got a new post! Whee! On my way!

Allegria: Oh, yeah....that may be bordering on some MAJOR EUPHORIA!

kathryn said...

dailyseeking: HA! I've been meaning to stop and photograph this guy's front lawn for about 2 years. I don't get up that way very often. Hilarious, right?

Tinkerschnitzel: Well, if I took that pill, I'd definitely be living in la-la land! I'm glad you enjoy the peeks into my muddled thoughts!

SMOOG: Ha! So true! I doubt I'd even be conscious after a pill like that! Come to think of it, BRING IT ON!

kathryn said...

RON! HA! "Throw themselves atop the pill!?!" Do you know how many times I wanted to do that?!? God knows how many times people climbed on their lawn before they put up their sign!
They probably had people posing for photos on top of it! Happy Day, sweetie!! xoxoxo

kathryn said...

Kristy: YAY! (, should we be cheering/condoning the consumption of alcohol and prescription medications? I mean, is it setting a good example?) (Snickers) Aw, hell! I couldn't keep a straight face! Cheers! (Gulp!)

Heather: HA! I'VE got that "Signs" song stuck in my head...again. Dammit. Where's my iPod??

Christiejolu: Ha! And the answer was lying in the front yard of some guy's house in New York! Who knew?!?

kathryn said...

Fumbling confidence: Uh-huh. I think that's why they put the "keep out" sign on there...too many ppl stopping and licking the capsule!

The Shitty Astrologer: Bottom line is that (I believe) that everybody has SOMETHING. We all have our own way of getting through the day!

Fierce: There you go. There's hope for all of us...we're just gonna need a really LARGE glass of water....

kathryn said...

Carol: HA! It may be my imagination...but I don't think this guy like to SHARE.

Oddyoddyo13: I know, right?! I wish every answer came that quick!

Jenny: No, I'm waiting till my next MEGAHUGEMONSTROUS meal to take it.'d need a REALLY BIG medicine cabinet for THAT baby....

kathryn said...

~:C:~ Well. That is an EXCELLENT question, my dear. Believe it or not, it's 100% totally REAL. But thank you for giving me the kudos to think I could have thunk it up! And's hilarious, right? It's on some guy's front lawn. Not even a weird is that?

Maureen@IslandRoar: Well, evidently, this homeowner thinks it IS this easy!

Betsy said...

One of my cats is on kitty-Prozac....I wish I were kidding. ;)

Tina said...

Boy that was a big sign! heehee

Margarete said...

Totaly cracked me up! Where can I get mine???

Anonymous said...

Oh poor you. Freezerdoodle really sucks!


Dee said...

Lmao...that's cute!

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