Thursday, January 14, 2010


I want to know why some of the things I love just….disappear. One minute they’re there…and then *poof!* (waves hands back and forth dramatically like a magician hopped up on too much caffeine)…they’re gone. I don’t mean to sound paranoid but it’s really starting to make me wonder….

Clinton Kelly (Seriously pragmatic IV): “This seems to happen to you a lot. Things disappearing. I’d mention the obvious side-effects we already suspect…but it seems redundant. Specifics….they need specifics. You know you’re going to anyway…”

Kathryn: “True. It’s that element of suspense, though….ya know? I mean, ‘What’s she gonna say? Will I be able to relate? Will this begin a rousing discussion concluding with the long-overdue resurgence of some gone-but-never-forgotten item?’ Who knows?? Maybe they’ll bring one of these items back…and name it after ME. It could happen…”

CK: (Sits back in chair, crosses arms and legs…sighs) “Give me an example, so we can underst--.”

K: “Jell-o 1-2-3.”

CK: “Jello what? Are you giving me examples one, two and three? Did they discontinue three of your favorite flavors? Wait! Let me guess: coconut…beef sirloin…and…peanut butter.”

K: “Ew. Seriously? You’ve never heard of Jell-o 1-2-3? Oh man…all you needed was a blender, a measuring cup, some boiling water, a spoon and (what felt like) about 6 hours in the fridge and you had a sugar rush that would last the next three days. My favorite was strawberry.”

CK: “Your mother let you use the blender? And boil water?”

K: (Indignant) “Of course she did! She totally trusted me. Okay, so maybe she wasn’t home. The point is, it was delish. You would pour the blended ingredients into these glasses and put ‘em in the fridge and they would magically separate into 3 layers. Ya had yer ‘jell-o’ layer, then yer ‘mousse-like’ layer and then…another layer of something I can’t remember…but it was sooo good.”

CK: (Grimaces) “And you never questioned the chemicals required to make a gelatin substance separate into distinctly different consistencies after being placed in the fridge? Much less separate into three markedly dissimilar flavors??”

K: “Nope. Not once. But I Googled it and found out a bunch of people started a petition in 1999 to have it resurrected….or re-released…”

CK: “…or re-investigated on those charges of causing wildly inappropriate hallucinations in consumers some 30 years later. The FDA probably started that petition under the ruse of rounding up the crazies affected by those chemicals.”

K: (Bristles) “Ha. Noooo. I made it for my sisters and they’re fine. Ha.”

CK: “Fine? By whose standards?”

K: “Ah. Good point. Well, what about that toilet bowl cleaner with the great smell? I wasn’t ingesting that...and it’s gone. I got more compliments on the smell of that stuff, you wouldn’t believe.”

CK: (Squints) “I’m trying to decide if you’re messing with me. What’s most alarming is that I don’t believe you are….”

K: “I am not, I assure you. And now, I can’t find my favorite orange juice. It’s just too freakin’ much.”

CK: “Was that the day we had to hit three different markets? I’d wondered why you kept throwing expletives in the dairy aisle.”

K: (Whines) “Even the shape of the bottle was special. It was like the oj you get when you’re in Florida…at a nice hotel, or something. Totally fresh squeezed. I’m soooo bummed….I was finally getting something remotely in the vicinity of my Recommended Daily Allowance for fruits and vitamin c…and now this. Not. Freakin’. Fair.”

CK: “So much cruel injustice in your life. Do you suppose the present freezing temps in Florida might play a role in its disappearance? Maybe it’s just temporarily unavailable. Why don’t you Google it?”

K: (Sighs) “I can’t. I’m too depressed. Life was so much simpler in the days of 1, 2 and 3.”

(Anyone out there with fond (or recent) memories of a good item that’s mysteriously vanished? Do tell!)

Anonymous said...

I'm never eating jello again. o.0

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Well.......My Mom and I loved this "Brunette Goddess" stuff that made your hair all shiny and smelled SO GOOD. Then it just disappeared. (Imitates Kathryn's earlier movement)

Can you believe that???? I don't like it when people take products like that off the shelves.

Lauren said...

I don't remember! Sugar in general? OH! Really good Pizza buns. Now their all cheap-ass. Or, or the Cheese Croissants at Timmies. They totally suck now. You made me want Jello... I think I have chocolate pudding in the cupboard. Nom nom.

Lou said...

We used to have a fast food chain here called Georgie Pie - we Kiwis love our pies mmmmmm. Anyway, the evil McDonalds bought Georgie Pie and changed them all into freakin' McD's. It happened so fast we didn't even know what hit us and since that fateful time back in 1988 (or thereabouts) no Georgie Pie has ever been heard from again.

Dreamfarm Girl said...

Well honestly, I'm pretty glad NOT to be eating all the junk I used to eat back in the day. But just in this past month I cannot find my favorite cereal. Peace brand ginger hemp granola. Yes, you heard that right. It was always kind of hard to find, even in stores that carry the Peace brand of cereals, and now it's gone from the one store I could always find it. I suspect the DEA.

TC said...

I remember the jello 123. Do YOU remember devils shake? Basically Yoo hoo in a pop bottle?
There was this hair mousse a few years back.. lightened gently, did wonders for a few grey hairs, it disappeared....

Alicia said...

You know what I miss? Quisp cereal. It was little saucer shaped bits of pure carmelized sugar and it was delicious, especially when it got soggy. Their mascot was a little blue alien named Quisp. It came out around the same time Capn Crunch came out. Capn Crunch is still around but they got rid of Quisp. I bet NBC owned them and had to push Quisp to another galaxy to make run for the Capn huh?

Lynn said...

Can't think of anything. But that's cos my memory has also disappeared. I hate that. It was good once, but now it has disappeared and I can't find it anywhere. Googling doesn't help, and I can't find it on Amazon, either. I'm hoping they'll bring it back. I miss it.

Ron said...

Oh boy...did this post bring back a plethora of great memories for me!

Yes....I do remember that Jello -how fun! And I also remember it sometimes NOT solidifying into three separate colors. WTF?

The orange juice I too remember, especially being a 20 year Floridian.

Do you know what I miss? The shampoo "Lemon-Go-Lightly" do remember that? It was a shampoo that smelled exactly like a real lemon and would subtly lighten your hair as you washed it. And it had a big lemon screw top, that actually looked like a lemon. The commercial had such a catching tune.

oooo...I think I'm gonna google that as soon as I finish here and see if I can find a picture of it!

Thanks for the memories, my friend!

Hope you had a great day!


Carol said...

Google peanut butter!! Remember, it was chocolate, banana or something, flavored peanut butter. The dancing jar, I still remember the song, Google, with the goo goo googly eyes!

Anonymous said...

You don't want to know what they use to have jello congeal - even just the word congeal is so wrong.

There was a Kenny Rogers restaurant in this neck of the woods and it disappeared and turned into a car rental place. They made the best chicken and corn bread.

Heather said...

I got this dressing that was maple flavored. I bought it for about a year and hubby loved it. Then all of a sudden poof it's gone! Still haven't found any, since.

Then there is the sweet hickory A-1 sause. I don't know if they quite making it or just our store quit carrying it.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

When I fall in love with a type of eyeshadow or lip color, it will always be discontinued.
Remember Long and Silky hair conditioner and Breck shampoo? I used to do hair product commercials in front of the mirror, so I tend to remember the products I was paid to endorse.

Jenny said...

Olay something mineral clay mask. It was blue. And I swear this to you...After 15 minutes, it was like rinsing off your own face and coming out with Heidi Klum's. I have witnesses. Gone! Don't think I didn't email Olay. Alot.

A friend and I have decided that we aren't to mention the things we like anymore simply because as soon as we mention it, disappear! I'm talking restaurants burning down (true story) and going out of biz, discontinued white chocolate hazelnut cheesecake (!!!), products gone forever. It's really hard to come back from so much loss. Sigh.

Runnergirl said...

I find this a lot as well. There's a brand of low fat sausages that I really like. They used to do them in 2 flavours have be stocked in most supermarkets. Now they're down to one flavour and only in one supermarket. I am lost. I love sausages, and this brand is the only way I can enjoy them, and stick to my diet.

Bernadine said...

Hi Kath

I don't recall anything that mysteriously vanished here in sunny SA, but it is so interesting to read this and the other people's comments about the "stuff" you have in the USA....

Enjoy your weekend.

Spot said...

Chi-Chi's seasoning mix is really hard to find here but I don't think it dissapeared, I just live in the black hole of nowheresville.

With the recent temps in Floriday, I'm pretty sure your oj would cost a bajillion dollars a bottle so it may be good that it disappeared.


Tinkerschnitzel said...

Pecan smoked jalapeno sausage. They make every other flavor, but they either quit making that one, or the store just quit carrying it. It's so good with black eyed peas.

Kindle-Sprite said...

I have to second a comment about my memory. It was funny how I had a kid or three, and suddenly that memory thing was missing. I can't even remember where to look for it!

Anonymous said...

Nothing that has disapeared but once when I was on a trip in Australia I was introduced to a chocolate drink called Milo and I fell in love with it and have never been able to find it again....

Betsy said...

PB Max candy bars. They were shaped and packaged like Twin Bings but instead of cherry filling it was peanut butter. Sigh.

I also miss the Salon Selectives shampoos from the late 80's, they smelled soooo good.

Unknown said...

When i was a kid, there was this skin oil that my mum used.It made your skin unbelievably soft and the fragrance was outta this planet. I planned to use it when i grew up. It aint there anymore! and i am stuck with ..well another product that is just ..well okay.I still can't believe it just disappeared!(magician on too much caffeine's hand movements replayed)

Mattenylou said...

I remember 1 2 3 Jello, too! That third layer was Flavored Foam, yummy!

What about Hydrox cookies, they came back for a bit, but then disappeared.... where?

Momiji chan said...

haha are you kiding me we had some thing like that it was powdered cool aid in a little bottle eck haha ah good times oh i also rember that there was this huge sweetart candy and i always got those on the road trips i would let them melt in my mouth for hours and i never got tired of them haha thanks for reminding me of the good o'l days kathryn i really injoyed that stuff it was the best of my years of a kid and now that i rember i think ill go by some

dailyseeking said...

I loved Jello 1-2-3; it was considered a treat if we got to buy it! Wow, that was a flashback.

Gay Guy said...

(A blip just ate my post, so if this comes up twice, apologies in advance.)

Ahhhh, Jello 1-2-3. So, 1) Please tell me that you found the box of Jello 1-2-3 in an art museum and NOT in your pantry. 2) Are you sure that Jello 1-2-3 required a blender? I don't remember the blender. Maybe an electric hand mixer?

Making Jello was about my first turn at cooking. And those elitist East Coast snobs turn their noses at Jello. Hah!

Moonrayvenne said...

I remember Jello 1-2-3. It seems the very best things always disappear.
I remember the shampoo "Gee your hair smells terriffic". That was a pretty good one. I can't remember many now, but I'm sure I'll remember a lot more as the days go on. sigh...(((HUGS)))

Moonrayvenne said...

I used to drink TAB, too. Well, now it's called an energy drink but it was just diet cola before in real glass bottles.

Jerry said...

I don't like grocery shopping. There are too many choices, i.e. too many weird choices. Just the other day I was looking for Jello Cook and Serve Chocolate Pudding. Simple. It's has been a staple for a million years.

I find everything but that -- shelves and shelves of Instant everything -- strange things. I just wanted Cook and Serve Chocolate Pudding. Finally I grabbed a clerk, and we stood there staring for ten minutes until he blurted an "Aha!...and reached to the bottom far corner to pull it out.

Too many choices.

Jen said...

Jello 123 is gone? Shows you how much I eat Jello anymore. I thought Tab soda had bit the dust but I think you can still find it on the internet. Those were the days before people actually read food labels. Maybe those were the days before there were even food labels at all.
Now I'm wondering if Ho Ho's and Snowballs are still in existence.

JennyMac said...

I admit I have never seen or even heard of Jello 1-2-3. Sugar rush for days sounds scary (or fun..LOL).

Ron said...

Lovin' the new blog look!

You GO, girl!

kathryn said...

Gavin: HA! Sorry, sweetie....didn't mean to sour the old taste-buds on jiggly jell-o....I'm SURE there's nothing wrong with the ORIGINAL....

Oddyoddyo13: WHY? Why do they have to take the GOOD stuff away from us?? That product sounds like it did everything you'd want it to do, too.

Lauren: Okay....WTH is Timmies? Did they discontinue the cheese croissants, or did Timmy expire along with the croissants? So. Many. Questions....

kathryn said...

Lou: At first, I thought Georgie Pie sounded familiar....till I realized I'd seen something on the Food Channel about Moon Pies. My bad. I'd take pie to Micky D's any day...

Dreamfarm Girl: Could you imagine the illegal stuff you could successfully hide in a box of "Peace Brand Ginger Hemp Granola"?? I'm sorry....(LOL) but you may have been their only customer!!

TC: I do NOT remember devils shake! And if it was chocolate, how did I miss it? HA! You switched gears into hair mousse and I thought the mousse was in the devils shake. I wonder why they stopped makin' that mousse? It sounds perfect.

kathryn said...

Alicia: Don't cha hate when that happens? It's like I don't wanna get to attached to ANYTHING any more..... Wait. Epiphany! It's a conspiracy between the manufacturers and the psychiatric community! Attachment disorders....inability to trust?!?

Allegria: Aw! HA! You're so funny! Well, it's usually in the last place you look, so check behind the paper towel dispenser, under the passenger mat in your car and in the dryer lint. Keep me posted!

kathryn said...

RON! I do NOT remember that shampoo! Did you have to be a blonde to use it? I'm wondering...I soooo wanted to be a blonde as a girl and would ignore all tv ads that were directed at the fair-haired group. I used Sun-in on Connor's hair for several summers, but you can't do it with girls...they'd have striped hair as it grew in! xoxo

kathryn said...

Carol: HA! I'd thought you were telling me to Google peanut butter....with "Google" being a verb! Well, I'd assume that Google squashed Google PB like a googly-BUG!

WannabeVirginiaW: You're right...I don't think I wanna know. Gavin has already sworn off Jell-o! I think I remember reading about that Kenny Rogers places...didn't they have all the chickens on rotisseries? I guess KFC just isn't the same, huh?

Heather: Isn't this such a pain? I wind up making stops to all different places trying to find it. We're such creatures of habit, right? And we KNOW what we LIKE.

K-J said...

I used to get monterey jack cheese soy crisps at my local grocery store, and they stopped getting them but still get the plain boring ones!

And hersheys cookies and cream bars!

And sunsilk curl define leave in gel...

And in New Zealand (my homeland) I heard some lollies are being discontinued... like tangy fruits! :(

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: Oh, LONG & SILKY! (You can't hear me, but I just yelled this last part) I LOVED that stuff! I probably bought it after I'd seen your endorsement!

Jenny: I feel your pain! That's why I'm now thinking it's a conspiracy with the makes sense, right?? Constantly throwing us into a tizzy....da nerve! I remember that mask...I loved it!

Runnergirl: Then, buy 'em and freeze 'em! I'd become a complete HOARDER if you see 'em disappearing....HURRY! RUN OUT NOW!! (Hyperventilating)

kathryn said...

Bernadine: Maybe the vendors aren't as anxious to TORTURE you in they let you keep buying what you like. And you have SUN...we could use some more of THAT! Hope your weekend was fabulous!BTW: You don't have a blog? I've tried to visit, but your page has no blog listed??

Spot: I'm really starting to be aware enough that if I see something starting to disappear, I'm gonna start stockpiling it. As for my beloved OJ, I'm sure you're was the ONLY oj I would actually drink religiously. Such. A. Shame. (This shud be my biggest problem, btw...)

Tinkerschnitzel: Woah...that sounds...HOT! Again...I'd stock up if you DO see it. Don't you find yourself wondering if there was anything wrong with it??

kathryn said...

Kindle-Sprite: HA! It seems to be catching as well! I wonder if anyone has studied the correlation between motherhood and memory loss? PS: I can't comment at your place! There's a comic strip or something in the way??

thelocalsloveit: Huh. I'll assume you've googled it? It's probably just available there and wud cost a fortune to import anyway. Ah, well.

Gingerella: I don't remember the candy bars, but I def remember the Salon Selectives...they DID smell good! Now, my hair just

Courtney: WHY? Why did they stop making 'em? Wouldn't it be great if you were in some out of the way little store and there they were?

kathryn said...

Lily Johnson: I can't stand it! And see? If you could only find it again, you'd have all these amazing memories from the smell! I actually had the foresight to put some of the baby soap from da boys into a little bottle marked "baby smell". I wonder where I put that?

Mattenylou: YES! Flavored foam! Lighter and...fluffier than the "mousee-like" layer, right? I think Hydrox couldn't compete with Oreo. Funny...I was just talking about Hydrox/Oreo today! Freaky...

Bernadine said...

Hi Hope you receive this comment. Happy birthday to Connor for yesterday.

I created a blog today, but the posting is showing the wrong date. That was actually written on Tuesday 19 January.

Here is my link:

The only thing I hate about this link is that my name is like broadcast in it, but blogger didn't want to give me the other link so.. oh well...

Thanks for trying to find my blog which didn't exist than.. I appreciate it.

And yes it is summer here in SA.

Enjoy your day!!!

kathryn said...

saku chan: Well, I'm glad I could bring back some memories for you! What's even better is if you can still find some of these fabulous can re-live the memories all over again!

dailyseeking: I know, right? We felt the same way...and it was just the whole magic of the sugar...combined with the layers....awesome. It's great when your food can actually entertain you!

GayGuy: Hey you! You may be right, my friend. I do not remember the blender either (that was what several sites recalled as the preferred mixing method), so it probably was the electric hand mixer we used (like for cakes). Between that and using the boiling water, I'm surprised we didn't burn down the house....or cause brain damage from all those chemicals. I find I really have to be in the mood for jello, ya know? If you're hungry, it's not gonna cut it. Good to see you, sweetie!

Chelsea said...

Hmmm Jello 1-2-3 sounds interesting.

We used to have this coffee place in the mall called Gloria Jean's. The best latte's fraps and so on.

Then Starbucks came and Gloria left.
A sad sad day that was. Lol

kathryn said...

saku chan: HA! I think a lot of ppl are feeling nostalgic for the sweets from when they were kids! I'm glad I was able to bring back some fun memories!

dailyseeking: I know! I don't even know what made me think of it...but I thought it was the coolest treat!

Gay Guy: Hey you! HA! Noooo...not in MY pantry! But if I HAD found it there, you KNOW I would have tried to MAKE it...just so I could tell you all about it! Ya know, I wondered about the "blender" thing. The couple of sites I visited said "blender", but I'm thinking we may have used the electric hand mixer...altho, a blender certainly would have been easier!

kathryn said...

Collette: I vaguely remember that "Gee, your hair smells terrific!" It was probably an awesome product with a crappy title and that did it in. They stopped making Tab? I didn't know this!!

Jerry: So sad. That's 'cause everyone wants it Minute Rice versus the Uncle Ben's that takes 25 minutes to cook. Everyone's impatient now! And you're right....WAY too many choices on almost EVERYTHING!

Jen: I was at the deli the other day and I saw the Oh Henry candy bar...I didn't know they even still made that. Could you imagine having such a habit on TAB that you'd order it online??

kathryn said...

JennyMac: Well, the sugar rush is scary if you're the parent but FUN if you're the kid. Depends on which camp you're with! If you've never had Jell-o 1-2-3, you're probably retaining more brains cells than I.

K-J: Wow! You've got a good list going there! You're like me...I tend to remember the good stuff and keep my eyes peeled for them. If those lollies are being discontinued and you can still find 'em, STOCK UP!!

kathryn said...

Bernadine: Connor says thanks for the birthday wishes! I'll stop by and say hello to your new blog. I wouldn't worry about the's the content that matters! I'm going to try clicking on your ID name first and see if it's linked. Wish me luck!

Chelsea: Oh, a classic case of the big guy running the little Mom & Pop place out of business. I HATE that! I'm a huge believer in supporting the little guy...

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