Monday, January 18, 2010


Once upon a time, there lived a stunning beautiful lovely maiden named Kathryn. She lived a charmed life with two beautiful sons.

Yet, something was missing from her otherwise perfect family. Kathryn tried desperately to convey to her then-husband that she had this odd longing deep inside…and wasn’t sure what it all meant. Hubby remarked that possibly Kathryn had pulled a muscle…or maybe it had to do with the questionable chicken they’d eaten for dinner the night before. She tried again to express that this felt more like a voice calling to her…from deep in her heart…saying, “Don’t forget about me. I’m here…I’m yours…I’m still waiting…” Hubby said the diagnosis for the feeling Kathryn had described was called: insanity.

That insanity was no insanity at all…but the voice of my third (and final) son, Connor….who celebrates his 13th birthday today.

To this day, he swears he doesn’t remember sending me that fateful message…but I’m so happy that I listened.

Excluding the fact that he drooled a lot in those first two years, he was positively perfect. Happy, smart and funny….always funny.

When he was three, one of his favorite words was “oppo-spit” and the Mommy-paparazzi-thing got old. He’d smile for the first shot…then fold his arms and say, “Are…you…happy now??” (CLICK!)

By age 4, his personality had emerged into the amazing, witty, fabulous boy he is today.


Now, he’s officially a teen. He’s got that baby-fine hair above his lip that’s just beginning to resemble a mustache-to-be…although he’s already referring to it as one. Of course, he’s dying to start shaving…as I’m reminding him that “once you start, you’ll be doing it for the rest of your life…don’t be in such a hurry”…while I’m thinking, “No facial hair…please! Don’t you know it ages you like, 10-15 years??” I don’t say this out loud, of course…announcing this to a couple of teen boys would only make them ditch those razors and I’d be reminded of Grizzly Adams every time I looked their way.

How my baby got to be 13, I’ll never know…’specially since I haven’t aged at all. Well, maybe just a little. The fact that Connor has now officially surpassed me in height does not bother me in the least…and I almost never find myself remembering when he’d stand next to me and lovingly place his little arms around my waist. Now, the only one left who's shorter than me is the dog….and I’m relatively confident that’s not going to change.

So Happy Birthday, Connor! I’m proud and grateful to have been a part of your last 13 years…and I’ll cherish every year to come.

(Even if it doesn’t look that way….even when you’re grunting at me in that sullen, glowering monosyllabic teen-age way that makes me want to smack you upside the head and yell, “WTF? Snap out of it!!” Even when you call for a ride home from the mall and when I get there, you’re nowhere to be seen and you don’t answer your cell. Even when I ask you to take out the garbage and all I get is a surly “in a minute”….making me want to pull my hair out....)

Maybe I need to re-visit that whole “insanity” thing…

wendy said...

I am feeling the insanity vibe along with you, Kathryn. My oldest son will be 13 in December. I love him and then there are the days when I love to hate him LOL. My husband says we are too much alike and that's why we argue so much. I think it has more to do with testosterone! And btw, I haven't aged at all either. And don't plan on it when 13 rolls around for my now 4 year old son, Arden ;) Happy Birhtday Conner!

Gigi said...

It flies by doesn't it? Happy birthday to your "baby"

wendy said...

Ha Ha I meant Birthday! I plea insanity on the misspelling LOL

Carol said...

Ahhh 13. I'm sure you know this, but this is a good age to change your name and zip code for the next few years. At least until he remembers he is human again.

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Deja vu, my Mom's the shortest one in the house besides the dogs too. Don't worry, Kathryn, you're not alone!

As for the insanity thing......yeah, sure, we'll go with that diagnosis for now.

Happy B-day Connor! Don't drive your Mom any crazier than she already is! (You know we all love you Kathryn.)

Anonymous said...

XD Well good luck with your insanity issues and happy birthday to Connor. :D

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your dear son Connor. I think all mothers get 'the insanity thing' when their kids become teenagers. Some more than others though.Lol.Take care.

Ron said...

What a wonderfully touching post!

HAPPY Birthday CONNOR! woo! woo! woo!

You GO, boy!

Kathryn, the photos are priceless. Especially that first one!

Oh boy...I can remember being that same age and wanting so much to shave. It's like every boys rite to passage. Your first razor, shaving cream, and after-shave. And now, I can't wait for a day off so I can go a day without shaving - HA!

Actually, I don't think I was ever 13. I think I was born 54 and just waited until my body caught up!

Hope you had a spectacular day celebrating your son's BIG 13th!

What a HAPPY day!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment with us, my friend


P.S. I know I left you a comment on the previous post, but I have to say it again. You're blog looks faaaabulous!

carissajaded said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful son!!! How proud you must be!!!

Kristen said...

What a cute post! Happy Birthday Connor!!!

Moonrayvenne said...

Happy birthday, Connor!
It really does go by too quickly, doesn't it? Pretty soon, you'll have all of them out & will miss the snarky remarks. (I have to remember that myself when my 16 y/o daughter gives me


Lynn said...

Sweet post, Kathryn. And the photos are adorable. Love the faces. HA! The fourth one cracks me up! I'm sitting here sticking my tongue back him!

Lauren said...

Awww! Happy B-Day! And I'm totally with you on this one Kathryn, wait to shave man... Obviously I don't shave my face, but it's a chore I could live without. The shaving of legs I mean... God, if I had to shave my face on top of everything else...I'm not making this sound better am I? Dammit. Happy B-Day anyway and good luck Kathryn!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, he is a cutie! Happy Birthday Connor. They grow up sooooo fast.

Jen said...

The teen years are certainly a roller coaster. Good luck to both of you.

Moonrayvenne said...

I almost forgot to say Congrats on getting over 600 followers! (((HUGS)))

Lou said...

Happy birthday Connor. Well done mom.

Bobby Allan said...

Sweet post. Happy birthday, Connor!

I love the first picture!

Momiji chan said...

wow he's so young and to watch anime ?....theres some stuff out there they do not need to be watching like yaoi is boy boy and yuri is girl girl and um yeah there pretty weird so dont let them trust me ive had the experience of watching one episode and closing my computer down haha but thats kool that your son is 13 i never would have guessed that hahaha

A Daft Scots Lass said...

hAPPY bIRTHDAY. Time Flies

Susan F said...

Aww... those pics are priceless! I love them all, and Kathryn, you sure were a cute baby! Happy Birthday, Connor!!

Susan F said...

Aww... those pics are priceless! I love them all, and Kathryn, you sure were a cute baby! Happy Birthday, Connor!!

jh said...

13?! Is that worse than the terrible two's? He's so cute. I do hope you printed this out for him.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Aw,Kathryn, what a cutie! I didn't know your youngest was that young. 13 is a big deal. I know what it's like when the kids grow taller, tho it looks like my youngest is gonna be smaller than me. I'll bet you still rule the roost, height be damned. Happy Birthday to both of you!

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Happy birthday to Connor! Don't feel bad about being short, i'm sure it will only we a year or two before I'm the shortest in the house. lol Oh, and your blog does look fabulous!

Spot said...

Aw...happy bday Conner! They grow up so dang fast! It's really not fair. I love to look back at those old pictures and remember their baby years. Sometimes it's hard to reconcile that sweet cherub with the teen I have now! Ha!


dailyseeking said...

Happy Birthday to your son; mine will be 25 in June. I don't know where the times goes--sons are very precious.

Heather said...

My grandson just turned 10 and already wants to shave like daddy does. NO WAY!

I personally like the bearded man, Grizzly Adams was one of my faves!

Happy Birthday Conner!

HereIsYourVerse said...

I know I've been reading your blog for too long when as soon as I saw the title "Thirteen," I kew that it must be your 12-year-old son's birthday. This doesn't concern me in the slightest (:
Happy Birthday, Connor! (is that creepy to say?? I mean, we never have/will meet... Oh well, I'll say it anyway!)

Jen said...

What a lovely post. 13 is such a great age. And the peach fuzz! It seems like only yesterday that my son asked me to buy him a razor, oh wait that was yesterday. My boy has been a foot taller than me for the last two years so I can completely understand. What a cutie he was, drool and all.

KT said...

awww....i felt that way on Saturday when my little S turned 2. Sad isn't it, but exciting at the same time.

kathryn said...

Wendy Blum: Well. Aren't WE the fortunate ones to have not aged one single bit? Now, if everyone can just survive the teen years, I'll be grateful!! And hey...misspellings are the first sign of insanity, right??

Gigi: Hey, girl! Where have you been hiding?? I've missed you! Yes, the time does fly...but we look the same.

Carol: Uh-huh. I'm dreading it.....that's with a capital "D". Twice already, he's said to me "I want to apologize in advance...."
Such a smart boy!!

kathryn said...

Oddyoddyo13: Yeah, loooove all my craziness. Connor thanks everyone for the lovely birthday wishes...he's especially pleased that school was closed on HIS day.

Gavin: Thanks, Gav! You'll let me know if you sense I'm completely of the deep end...won't you??

Lily Johnson: Thanks, sweetie. Well, we've all been teens ourselves, so we all remember a little of the insanity. It's weird being on the other end, though...

kathryn said...

RON! Aw...thanks so much, sweetie! Yes, all those photos of Connor are my favorites....he's quite the photogenic kid, right? He DID have a fabulous day! And I'm so glad I could gush a bit to you guys. Oh, and thanks for the thumbs up on my means a lot coming from you! xoxo

kathryn said...

carissajaded: Thank you, sweetie! Yep...I am proud! He's lucky to have so many awesome ppl sending him good wishes!!

Kristen: Thanks, honey! My boy is easy to gush about!

Collette: HA! Yeah...but it's when you're thinking about them moving out with LONGING that worries me! I can't believe my baby's 13 already.

kathryn said...

Allegria: HA! He and I both smiled at your comment. Thanks for the kind was a blast taking photos of him when he was little. Now, he simply refuses to smile....thinks it looks dumb. I guess he used 'em all up when he had that angelic little face!

kathryn said...

Lauren: HA! I totally understood where you were coming from, sweetie! I've often lamented that we gals have more *area* to shave than the guys do, right??

WannabeVirginaW: Thanks....Yes, he's a cutie-pie...but then again...aren't they all?? I wish he didn't want to grow up so fast!

Jen: Thank you. I do believe we are going to need all the help we can get!

kathryn said...

Collette: HA! Thanks, sweetie! I shouted a big WOOHOO! when it happened...and then was afraid it would drop back down again! When I got to 604, I figured I had a "cush"...but now I'm at 602. (Not that I'm obsessing, or anything!)

Lou: Thanks, Lou! Time flies, right?

Chrissy: Hey, girlfriend! I love that photo too...I love the way his drool is perfectly centered on his chin!

kathryn said...

saku chan: Why? You think he's TOO YOUNG to watch Anime? Should I be FORBIDDING it?? Maybe I need to query these episodes he's watching more. It's a fine line between trust and not being a good parent...

Gillian: Thanks, sweetie! I can't stand it...seriously! Although, it's great that we can all have our own time and I don't need to amuse him anymore. Now he whoops me at checkers!

Susan F: Thanks, sweetie! Actually, (it's a bit confusing, I now realize) but that top baby-photo is Connor, not me. I WISH I looked that cute! I've made a mental note to put captions next time under photos. We appreciate the good wishes!

jh: He made me promise not to show them to his friends when they came over on Monday. Geez....why would he think I'd do that??

kathryn said...

maureen@Islandroar: Thanks so much, sweetie. Yeah...13 and my youngest. And yeah...I still "rule"...just from a lower level, I guess!

Tinkerschnitzel: Oh, I'm glad you like the change here! It's subtle for the most part, right? I just wanted to spread things out a bit.
Thanks for the kind wishes for Connor....he's never gotten so many!

Spot: That's exactly how I feel!! I can't believe they're the same person, actually! He's just on the cusp of the sullen, rolling-the-eyes, teen phase...I'm dreading it...yet, I know it's part of growing up.

kathryn said...

Dailyseeking: Thanks, sweetie! I've no idea where the time goes! I can remember when da boys were little and someone would comment that "her babies were 20 and 17" and I just couldn't imagine it! Then, *POOF*!

Heather: Thanks, honey! Yeah...I guess they all want to grow up SO quickly! I can't stand it! So, you like the hairy faces, eh? You don't think they look SO much younger when they're clean-shaven?

HereIsYourVerse: Oh! That is SO SWEET! And not creepy AT ALL! Such a kind thing to say! I'm amazed that you knew what that post would be about from the title! I didn't even give you a heads up or anything! Thanks so much for the comment...I appreciate it!

kathryn said...

Jen: Aw, thanks Jen! Don't you love the drool from that first photo? That's my favorite, I think. I didn't annoy him back then...can you see that? Absolutely no annoyance in those big, beautiful eyes!

KT: I know...each stage brings with it new challenges and rewards. I remember my friend Susan saying "little kids, little problems. Big kids...." well, you get the idea!

Jenny said...

OMG look at his little baby boobs in that first one!!! I can't even stand it! I LOOOVE rolly babies. It's the only way to be. He is too mean handsome...sorry Connor. :)

Hope he had a great day! :)

kathryn said...

Jenny: HA! "baby boobs"!! HA! Hey...he WAS too cute back, he's too cool to be cute, evidently! Thanks, sweetie!

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