Thursday, October 22, 2009

Childhood Calling

Considering the price of gasoline and…well, everything these days…it’s gratifying to know that some entertainment can still be found for under five bucks…..each, that is. (What? This IS New York, after all...)

The last time that Connor (age 12) played at Dave & Buster’s, aka Video Game Heaven, (a video gamer’s answer to what to do on a crappy, rainy weekend whilst visiting ones dad) he cashed in his tickets for a “Gen-you-ine Dave & Buster’s dee-luxe glow-in-the-dark Yo-Yo”.

Within five minutes of opening it, the string broke. Ten minutes after that, the nut came off that held the two halves together, requiring a pair of needle-nose-pliers, a paper towel, some Elmer’s glue and numerous kid-weary sighs to repair it.

That done, his next attempt at actually working the yo-yo resulted in yet another breaking of the string….this time with the yo-yo continuing its forward motion...running over the dog’s tail, bouncing off the kitchen wall and flinging itself…in a kind of yo-yo-induced freefall-suicide…down the stairs and coming to rest in the basement, dangerously close to the ancient ever-belching furnace.

At this point, I felt it was time to intervene. I began dropping gentle hints at the possibility of his upgrading to an actual, store-bought yo-yo.

He wanted none of it, claiming that this one was just fine and that it was his first. I then changed tacts and explained that what he had at present was the “Pinto” of yo-yos…and that it was time to experience the true “Mercedes” of yo-yos.

It was time...for a Dunkin. (Duh, duh DUH!!!!!)

Then, I said something like “If ya want wine, ya don’t go to the 7-Eleven”…which was totally lost on him, since he doesn’t even know what a “7-Eleven” is, and I do not believe he drinks much in the way of wine. (He's more of a Capris Sun kinda guy.)

So. After promising him a pitstop to Domino’s for pizza on the way home, I convinced him to take a ride to Toys R Us, where I was sure we’d find a virtual plethora of choices for his yo-yo-ing pleasure….from “butterfly” to “traditional”….from “glow-in-the-dark” to “light-up”…in every color found in the main databank of the computer at the plastic industry's plant.


The girl at the register of Toys R Us gave me a look like I’d asked her if I could get a hot fudge sundae to go…and she pointed listlessly (and somewhat vaguely) at the back of the store with the disclaimer “if we DID have any…”.

Alas…the wall ‘o yo-yos I’d hoped for was but a dream…

Ultimately, we found a small display of approximately 6 yo-yos still hanging from the haphazardly-placed hooks…with a choice of either blue, or blue.

Connor chose the blue one.

As soon as we settled back in the car, I wanted him to tear into the packaging to finally experience a proper, true OHMYGOD, I DIDN’T REALIZE HOW GOOD LIFE CAN BE yo-yo.

It was encased in that plastic...the kind that can withstand a nuclear blast without any effect whatsoever…you know the kind I mean? You need a special tool or a blowtorch to get into this baby…and my emergency handy-dandy scissors that I keep in my glove box for the express purpose of wrapping a birthday gift on the way to the party were nowhere to be found.

So, I pulled…and I yanked…and I used all my brute-mom-strength till I got just enough of a hole in the packaging to wrestle the product from its tomb. This baby was definitely NOT being returned for any kind of a refund anytime soon...

I begged Connor to give it a try….then and there…right in the passenger seat of my sedan.

So, he hooked the string on his finger and let it go with a flick of his wrist…and it hit the floor and started crawling its way up the dash of my car…as Connor’s yelling “WALK THE DOG!!! I’M WALKING THE DOG!!!” as we both duck before the thing does a projectile bounce towards the rear of the car at a rather alarming warp-speed.

We were drawing more than our share of attention from the other consumers in the parking lot, as they peered in at the two screaming, cowering passengers with the blue interior comet streaking by, so we chose to postphone future attempts till arriving safely home…after stopping at Dominos, of course.

Next step: YouTube for tutorials on accomplishing “Around the World”! Should be entertaining.

Any fond childhood toy memories out there? Any E-Z Bake Ovens? Tinkertoys? Inquiring bloggers looove to share. I'm waiting...(where's my Slinky?)

BlackLOG said...

in a kind of yo-yo-induced freefall-suicide…down the stairs and coming to rest in the basement, dangerously close to the ancient ever-belching furnace. I know I said I was a hot runner the other day but I object to being referred to as an ancient ever belching furnace - besides if the quality of the scraps that you leave in your bins were better I would not have this dreadful wind problem.

As for childhood memories
I had a fake Action Man (my parents did not have a great deal of money) who's arms broke before I officially received it as a present - My sister and I came down stairs while my parents were still wrapping the rubbish presents (if only they had put the wrapping moneyt towards the present....) - they gave up and left us to it.

One year I received a toothbrush from my Mother - not so bad as a stocking filler but a bit of a shock as my main present. Little wonder I'm not a huge fan of Christmas...

I have nothing to declare but my genius said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog - I forget how, or from where, I stumbled across it but I am glad I did. You have a lovely way of telling a story, and I couldn't help but devour the lot of this one. It reminds me of how simple things used to be, how innocent we once were - a well needed break in the day for me, thank you.

Lauren said...

I was a Light Bright kinda gal. What you can do with coloured pegs and a backlit pegboard! My grandma was also a favourite toy of mine. That woman was everything from a bus driver to... well... we got her stuck in a snow tunnel once. Seriously, my grandma was a trooper. She needs a medal or something. I also enjoyed my yoyo... good times.

Áine said...

I think I pretty much loved every toy I could get my small,usually chocolate covered hands on!

Runnergirl said...

I remember the joys of Silly Putty - you may not have had it over in the USA. They're selling it again now, but are repackaging it as something incredible and it's not as cheap as I remember it! I'm tempted to get my dad a slinky for his Xmas stocking - I got him a harmonica last year!

Anonymous said...

Well, I loved me some barbie dolls when I was a little girl. I had the dreamhouse, the camper that converted to a truck and mobile home, the pink camaro, the jeep with a horse trailer and 4 horses for barbies to ride (every color they sold. I'm not lying.) I had tons of dolls, furniture, clothing, shoes, pets, baby kelly and ken, the bathtime doll and the naptime doll(she was super soft and cuddly. I didn't sleep with her, but she stayed tucked into her own very soft bed most of the time. Why bother making doll beds soft? why did it JUST NOW occur to me that it's strange they did that?) Anyhow, yes, I loved Barbies and had way too many and way too much. The spoiled brat, American child image--I was her. Luckily, I learned to pass them on to cousins and friends as I outgrew them. I think my mom still has some, but I'm not sure. Wish they'd put all the money we spent on that in a college fund instead. Hindsight is 20-20.

Betsy said...

Glad he got a proper yo-yo experience after all!

Being a tomboy, I always wanted matchbox cars, legos, dirt bikes, that kind of thing...but my mom insisted on buying me pink frilly girly things (gag).

One toy I do have fond memories of though was my Speak N' I wish I still had that, lol!

Jen T said...

I was spoiled and had a lot of toys I loved: board games, dolls that cried, ate, crawled and peed, Lite Brite, etc.

Off the top of my head I LOVED Skip-it. This huge heavy plastic thing that went around your ankle then you had to swing your leg and jump over it with your other leg. There was a counter so you could have contests with other Skip-it lovers. Of course, it REALLY hurt if you missed and hit yourself in the ankle with the huge plastic ball at the end. Seriously. Ow. That's probably why I haven't seen them around in years.

Great post by the way:)

BioniKat said...

A favourite which we would get new themes of every Christmas was Fuzzy felt. It came in a rectangular box and contained shapes and figurines made of felt as well as a board (like Velcro) for sticking the figurines on. We had themes such as In the Forest, Under the Sea, At the Farm. When I looked for that for my own kids it wasn't around. Also we would get an Annual every Christmas. We still have a lot of books that my own kids use now.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

My four wheel rollerskates with the big stopper in the front. I lived in them. I used to go EVERYWHERE in them. The minute I got home from school I'd put them on and they would be perfect fixtures to my tweedly legs until I went to bed at night. I LOVED them and wore them until they fell apart and were too small for me.

Tinkerschnitzel said...

I miss my easy bake oven. And...wait for it...Thundercats! My brother and I had everyone one of the action figures and played with them until they broke. I think I'm gonna buy my husband a yo-yo for Christmas.

Ron said...

OMG, Kathryn...this post brought back SO MANY wonderful memories for me!!!

YES! YES! YES!...I had a Dunkin YoYo!! I had a few; one that actually lit up!

And do you remember a toy called "Clacker Balls?" It was two hard plastic balls on a string with a small hoop in the middle, that you would use to clack the balls together; making a TON of noise.

Let's see, what else?....Play Dough, Silly Puddy, Operation, The Eight Ball, and oh yeah...Playforms! I freakin' LOVED Playforms because of how they smelled.

(like a Barbie Doll head)

*don't ask.


LOVED this post, my friend!

I felt like I just talk a walk down memory lane!

Enjoy your day!


Oh No! Whaaat??? said...

That metal u-shaped contraption with the magnetized gyroscope thingy on it that you had to be super duper coordinated to keep going and not fly off the tracks... What the hell was that thing called? And this other thing that had a plastic thing with gear teeth that you fed into the deal at the top and when you zipped it out it had sparks if you were playing with it in the dark? What was THAT thing called? I don't know, but both those things were fascinating as hell...

Thanks for stumping me for the day! ;)

Moonrayvenne said...

What fun to go back in time! I had a slinky, yo-yo's silly putty & metal roller skates before the real ones. Those were so noisy & made my teeth chatter as I rode them on the sidewalk. I also had tons of Barbies but unlike Ron, I don't think I smelled them...LOL! I had Donny & Marie, Cher, & A Farrah doll along with some smaller versions of all 3 Charlie's Angels. Wish today's toys were as simple as the ones I had.

Cynica Sarcastamos said...

Skip It and Clackers - OhEmGee! May I have a play date with Lifelove'n'wine and Ron? What great memories...

Another fav was Mystery Date. I still have a thing for the tux with a white jacket.

Before that, Thing-Makers! And anything Rat Fink!

Of course I had my DIY Universal Pictures monster models - Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Yep, I was a flamin' tomboy then.
(did you know that breath spray can remove permanent marker ink from Barbie skin?)

And everything glow in the dark - yoyos, everything. Hey, does anyone remember those little Green Ghosts?

Kathryn, thanks for the memories. You know, you always stir my brain... Well done, you!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, someone said Skip it; loved that. Got one for my kids years ago and they loved it too. I always watched the Slinky walk down the stairs on the commercial and wanted one of those, but my parents didn't buy it.
HATE those damn plastic crap wrappers they put on stuff that you can't get into without a chain saw!!

TC said...

I had the slinky and the silly putty, I lusted after play telephones and easy back ovens and toy trains, they were never to be mine. Did anyone have a spyrograph I think it was called? A plastic disc with holes in it that fit in a frame over paper, you would stick a pen in it and make different designs?
My favorite toy? A doll filled with kapok? I think that's the word, believe it or not she fell off the straw shed and the dogs ate her hair off, Nancy was forever bald but always up for a good game of pioneer or cowboys and indians.

Anonymous said...

I had a Light Brite, Silly putty, slinkys, play dough, uhm I know there's something else but I can't remember. xD I'm not even that old....I shouldn't be forgetting things already. xD Anyways...lovely post, Kathryn. (:

KT said...

de-de-de-definitely cabbage patch kids. They still, KINDA, see them, but definitely not like how they used to. My parents used to buy me the ones that actually came in the cabbage, or whatever veggie they represented.

Chelsea said...

Yes I definitely have an EZ Bake Oven in the closet at home, man was I happy when I got to "bake" those little treats in the mini pans that came with it.

I've had plenty of slinkies and yo yos also.. but I sucked at making either of them do their jobs.

Heather said...

Every year I went to my grandparents house for the summer. My favorite toy to play with was the "Spirograph"

I would then fill my grammie's frig up with my drawings.

Anonymous said...

I remember in the very early Cabbage Patch Kid years, they were such a hot item that you had to pre-order them. So one fall I happened to call a local store (I was 9) and pre-ordered 3 dolls. So when they finally came in my parents had to actually buy them. I'd actually forgotten that I had ordered them and when Christmas rolled around guess what I got? You got it - 3 Cabbage Patch Kids!! And that was it.

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Oops, Tha's me (above)

kathryn said...

BlackLOG: Well, now you're just making me feel bad. A toothbrush for Christmas? (Squints suspiciously) Wait a do I know you're not pulling a fast one just because of one allegedly aimed renegade yo-yo at your head in a moment of anger? You know, it's not my fault that you left that half-eaten burrito in the trash, then tripped over Metro eating said burrito in the middle of the night, causing you to grab frantically at the cabinet door handle as you fell...bringing the entire cabinet and all its contents down on top of you.
I told you those burritos were gonna kill you one day.
(You and I are gonna have major trust issues, my friend.)

I have nothing to declare but my genius said...

Hi Kathryn, thank you for the comment. I realise now that it is in stark contrast to your blog and I feel almost as if I have sworn in front of my mother. I promise not all of my writing is that grim, do pop back.

kathryn said...

I have nothing to declare but my genius: Welcome! Thank YOU for the kind words. I appreciate you're taking the time to comment...hope you'll visit again soon.

Lauren: OH, GOD! I loooved my Lite Bright! My mom was always sighing as she'd vacuum up those little colored plastic pegs! Your G-ma sounds like an angel....what great memories you have!

Smileyfreak: No favs, eh? I'll bet your mom just looved cleaning up after you each day!

Runnergirl: YES, we had Silly Putty! I basically remember squishing it onto the (then color) comics in the paper and it would "copy" it....HA! The first copy machine.

jmberrygirl: Ah yes...Barbie. I've notice you've not ONCE mentioned Ken. (Ahem.) I, too had the pink Camaro and all the clothes and kept losing one shoe (so THAT'S where that started!)As for the soft dolls' beds, maybe some little girls slept in THAT bed with the doll! Who knows? I'm sure they could charge more if they made 'em cushy too...

Gingerella: I remember that! It dialed around and then you pulled the string, right? Or no...maybe not. That wouldn't explain the spell part...I think I'm remembering the one that made the noises. Hope you had some brothers' toys to play with...

lifelove'n'wine: And how many ankle bruises do you think there were in school on Mondays after playing with that thing? I HURT!

momcat: sweet! I do believe my Mom homemade something like that for my kids. It's like a felt-version of COLORFORMS...remember those??

Gillian: Awww! I'll bet you were so cute...and so fast! I'll bet you were rail-thin as well! (Notice these are the first things I think of!)

Spot said...

Definately my Spirograph, Lite Brite, Tinker Toys and Barbies. Oh and the weaving loom that you make potholders on?! I made so many of those as Christmas gifts. And jacks. I really liked to play jacks!

Ah. Good times, good times. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


Oddyoddyo13 said...

When I was about six or seven, I saw a commercial online about some sort of drawing toy or whatever that help you draw (wink wink) by using the art of tracing (my favorite form of drawing). But the commercial said you had to be "18 or older to order". So I assume that means you have to be 18 to have it, which was totally unfair since there were kids way younger than that in the commercial using it. I understood later that that wasn't the case and ended up getting it as a late birthday present.

kathryn said...

Tinkerschnitzel: Wow! You played with your BROTHER? AMAZING! I would NEVER have considered that! Yeah, good luck finding the yo-yo...maybe online??

RON! OMG! Remember the SMELL of Play-Doh?! There's nothing else like it! And Playforms....I called 'em Colorforms before...what was I remembering?? I vaguely remember the clacker...I'm thinking my parents threw it away after a day of us playing with it. "Operation" used to freak me out...that "BZZZZZZT" when you'd kill the patient!
I won't ask now, but you KNOW we're gonna have to talk about the Barbie Doll head....I'm not letting that one go. Fair warning.
Love u,

Oh No! Whaaat? Oh, histerical! "Metal u-shaped contraption...magnetized gyroscope thingy"? Anyone? I vaguely remember cars with sparks...but since my brother never let me near it....sorry for the frustration. (Hangs head)

kathryn said...

***Note to "Oh No! Whaat???"***
Your comments are disabled at your place. You don't want no comments??
It's-a no fun without-a da comments!

MeanDonnaJean said...

Yup, I'll fess up. I was an E-Z Bake Oven kid myself. Bein' a young 53 years old now I probably had the very first version of the damn thing....complete with pretzel mix 'n I dunno what other kinda bakin' crap was included. But I gotta say that lil' sucker DID work. I used to bake my fat ass off (but how I wish all that bakin' WOULDA took my fat ass off. Instead, it did the complete opposite. Go figure).

But its funny how things turn out, cuz ya'll hardly ever catch my even fatter ass in the kitchen these days. I much prefer the guy on the other end of the telephone line to do all of my E-Z bakin' nowadays.

carissajaded said...

All I have to say, is bring back the pogo stick!!! Man do I miss those things. And Playdough... it was tasty. Oh and Teddy Ruxpin was literally my best friend for about 5 years.

And I think now Im going to to buy a yoy o!

kathryn said...

Collette: Wow! Sounds like you had a lot of the good ones! Don't you wish we'd thought to keep some of them in the original boxes for TODAY??

Cynica Sarcastamos: Aw....yes, you may go over to Ron's and Lifelove'n'wine's house for a playdate...just be home by supper.
NO! Seriously? Breath spray takes off permanent marker ink from Barbie skin? What about human skin??

Maureen@IslandRoar: I KNOW! They now sell (on an infomercial) these scissors that'll cut thru that plastic...I'm convinced it comes encased in that plastic. Wouldn't that be ironic??

TC: Oh, poor bald Nancy-the-doll. You couldn't find any straw to sew a makeshift wig-ette? I loved the spyrograph...yes, I remember it well!

Insanity: All the good stuff, eh? Do you remember that really sticky toy that would crawl down the walls? It was good for about a day till it got full of dust and then it wouldn't stick anymore. And remember superballs??

book*addict: Aw, toy dolls that are healthy, too! They had the sweetest little faces. I just thought of another one: The PET ROCK!

kathryn said...

Chelsea: Yeah, they always made the slinkies and yo-yos look easier than they were. Can you imagine the marketing people trying to come up with uses for the slinky? C'mon!!

Heather: Another spirograph lover...and you're so resourceful to have found a link for it! Good times...not that we were so creative (the thing did the work) but we decided the colors and sizes of all those pretty swirls....

Hey Erin!: OMG! You were NINE and the toy store let you pre-order them? What a little firecracker you must've been! Well, you can't say you didn't get what you wanted!

Rambles'N'Shambles said...

Humans are just like slinkees, useless till you push them down the stairs...

ha thats a strange saying, your blog reminded me of it.

hm childhood toys, I had walkie talkies, and stuck the antennae of one into the ground and I could hear noises, probably some strange signal from a tv or other portable device.

But in my younger days I was convinced that it was the worms talking to me XD

kathryn said...

Spot! Good times, right? You had the weaving loom? I wanted that. I wonder why I never got it. Does anyone in your fam still have the pot holders you made??

Oddyoddyo13: Oh, yeah! Didn't that eventually come out in stores as well? So much of this stuff does...unless they know it's real crap and will fall apart. I'm sure many a kid was thrilled with being able to "draw" their fav characters.

MeanDonnaJean: HA! I was the only time my brother was interested in what I was doing was when I baked with that thing! It took FOREVER...remember? But the smell was heavenly!

carissajaded: Oh...Teddy! I remember him! And I STILL love the smell of's the best. (Get a yo-yo that lights up!)

Bobby Allan said...

I was cleaning out the office I used to work at a few months ago and I found this yo-yo. I don't know where it came from or who it belonged to but boy, did I have fun with it!

Remember the Lemon Twist that you hooked around you ankle and then you jumped over the lemon??

kathryn said...

I Have Nothing To Declare But My Genius: Don't worry about a thing, sweetie. I don't judge based on one should! Just comment again here for me...(on latest post) it'll remind me...and I always comment back after someone comments here. It's a good system for me.

evilteenietiff: Okay. You and I have to talk about your thing with sticking things in the ground. Seriously! What is this about?!?

kathryn said...

Hey Chrissy! Yeah, someone else was talking about a version of the rubber ball on the that the same thing? I don't remember a fruit at the end, though. God, I had fun with that's addicting! And to think that I can now tell the diff between a good one and a cheap one...imagine that.

Dianne said...

oh god I can't stop laughing

my son was really hard on toys and would always blame me for their short expensive lives

"if you had gone to the right store this wouldn't have happened"

Heather said...

Kathryn..LOL! I only had that link cause I'm sitting here with the image in my brain and then try to describe it to hubby who says "yes he remembers that but not the name, throw me a name and I will tell you if you are right". Well dah! If I had the name I wouldn't be asking. LOL. I had to google "old drawing toys". LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, childhood toys! I played with dolls, though I had tons, my grandmother wrapped them in plastic on display (yes, creepy!). I was allowed to play with one that opened and close its eyes when you tipped it (creepier). No wonder I was in therapy for years...

Lynn said...

Stopped by first thing yesterday, loved this post, but thought I should post something before rewarding myself by coming back for a reread. Then the day got away, as it usually does.

Someone has probably mentioned this already, but I loved those clacker deals. A heavye ball on each end of a string with a loop in the middle, and you'd get them going, and they clack. You could do tricks with them--clack over and under, for example. Anyway, you can't find them anymore. I guess they're considered too dangerous, by today's standards! I certainly remember wacking my fingers occasionally, but I always had a set as a kid. I wonder whatever happened to them...

kathryn said...

Dianne: Oh, that's too funny! So it's all YOUR fault that the toys kept breaking. Well, we knew this...isn't it ALWAYS the mom's fault??

Heather: Well, good for YOU! I hope you had it right....IN YOUR FACE, HUBBY!

WannabeVirginiaW: Yes, well...that's like the talking dolls in those scary movies...going all the way back to that doll in The Twilight Zone...with Telly Savalas? Yeah...creepy...

Allegria: No doubt there were enough lawsuits that they discontinued 'em. I always wonder that, "Why did it disappear? What was WRONG with it?" I feel the same way when a food I like stops being made....

Loredana said...

The smell of play doh, Candyland (which I STILL have and play with!) and this awesome toy top. I loved spinning it and making it go crazy and crash into everything! Ah the good ol' days!

dailyseeking said...

I loved this! I can close my eyes and still see and smell the plastic of my Ballerina doll! My favorite smell of Christmas was always the smell of new plastic or rubber (whatever toys were made of)!

kathryn said...

Loredana: Oh, I love toy tops! Still, where did I put that? Thanks for reminding me.....I miss that thing!

dailyseeking: Probably plastic AND rubber! You're right...the smell meant NEW TOYS. What's not to love??

Susan said...

I remember that u-shaped track with the wheel with magnets thingie that Oh No! Whaaat??? wrote about. I had one of those. It was called a Whee-lo, according to this page:
And here is one like it being sold today:
I hadn't thought of that in years.

Our whole middle school went through a yo-yo stage--everyone who was anyone had one and knew a few tricks.

Did you do the Rubik's Cube? That was popular when I was in high school.

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Want to hear something funny? Those scissors that are used to open the heavy duty, takes a nuclear warhead to get into plastic come in the same plastic they are designed to open! Thought you would enjoy that. :)

kathryn said...

Susan: Wow! How resourceful you are! However, I do NOT appreciate that anything we played with as kids would fall into the "museum" or "classic" category. That's just not right. I absolutely remember Rubik's was utterly frustrating for me!

Tinkerschnitzel: Why does this not surprise me? So, you need really strong, really sharp scissors to get into the really sharp scissors. They're killing us, here....

Tea said...

I loved Fashion Plates when I was a kid. That and Atari of course. Do you remember the very first video game? It was called Pong I think.

Sandi said...

I remember playing Chinese jump rope, and playing cat's cradle which you can make both yourself!!

kathryn said...

Isabella: What was Fashion Plates? I don't remember that. I've seen Pong...that's the one with the paddles and the stupid ball across the screen, right? I remember some Jungle game with a money hanging on a rope? That's the first video game I remember, but being a girl, I don't think I was all that impressed.

Sandi: Oh, cat's cradle! I haven't done THAT in ages! I need to show that to Connor. Thanks for reminding me!

Lizzie said...

I still have my E-Z Bake Oven. It's in my closet...on the shelf...behind the boxes of Christmas plates. I loved that thing. I made a cake for my dad when I was like 6. I remember I used to make any excuse to used it. I got my cousin Chris to use it once...but then it was my birthday, so that doesn't count. But that E-Z Bake Oven was the best thing ever!!!

kathryn said...

Lizzie: Oh, I can't believe you still HAVE it! My room always smelled so great baking those cakes....probably 'cause they took an hour to bake w/that light bulb!

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