Saturday, October 31, 2009


Lest you think I can't get into the spirit of things...don't-cha just love those pumpkin-carving kits??:

Below is Jeffrey the kickball-headed ghost. (It's a long story. Suffice to say, he's not a real boy and he freaked out all my neighbors.)

Below is a faux-pumpkin (poly-something) that I carved one year....that will last FOREVA!! (FOREVA.....Foreva.....foreva....eva...)

Below is MY idea of Halloween decorations. There's another set of legs missing from this where did I put those? They were here a minute ago....

Oops....what's THIS doing in here?

Finally, I thought I'd show you my fancy-schmancy costume. (You're laughing WITH me, right?!)

Dianne said...

fantastic Halloween spirit!!

Kathy said...

I don't know, but I was having fun with your post up until that Anonymous downer of a spam comment.

Where'd you get the legs for the yard? If you tell me you made them yourself, I can't be your friend anymore. If you did, can you make some for me?

Anonymous said...

Great job as always. Love the pics. XD The anonymous comment made me laugh almost as hard as your post, Kathryn. Don't ya just love those comments? xD I can picture some stuffy looking dude in a suit rattling that whole speech off in like one breath. XD

Mark Price said...

I love the legs and the "Jeffrey" So funny. How come spammers gotta be weiners all the time? Please don't let one spammer make you put up your word verification again.

Spot said...

Oh my. The "Jeffrey" freaks me out. He's very scary in an almost scarecrow tradition. And we all know how I feel about those!!! Love you legs in the yard! Happy Haunting!


Anonymous said...

Whats up with "Anonymous!" Dude, relax! BTW, nice pumpkins!
Happy Halloweenie!

Lauren said...

LOL! Nice! Seriously, I can't even manage to clear a table at work without dropping things. Standing O (as in ovation? Geez) to you for being able to do ballet without spilling or dropping things! You're my new hero.

Anonymous said...

lol. Love the costume! Classic! And yes, I'm laughing WITH you not at you *snickering at you*
Wow, seems you had enough Halloween spirit for a lot of people. I got stuck in bed and posted two posts completely unrelated to Halloween *sniff sniff*. Oh well, there's always Christmas! lol

Ron said...


I HOWLED when I saw the photo of the legs on your lawn!

They're BRILLIANT!!!!!!

And I swear to god...I actually thought Jeffrey was REAL!

And my make a beautiful ballerina - HAHAHHAHAHAHAA!


Well, it's about 10 o'clock when I'm making this comment, so I hope you had TONS of trick or treaters to enjoy your festive Halloween decorations. They ROCK!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Miss Ballerina!

And take a bow!



Anonymous said...

P.S, make that three Halloween-unrelated posts in one day.
P.P.S, got a spook-prise for you over at mine.

Kristin said...

This is my first time on your blog and, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed today's post. Also, I'm going with the majority by getting a huge kick out of the legs in the lawn. That's *my* kind of humor!

If you're interested, I just started my own blog this week-

Tea said...

Hi Kathryn,

You definitely have pumpkin talent. Even with the pumpkin carving kits...I'm not so good.

I wanted to share a creative costume I saw yesterday. Someone was dress in a pig costume with faux shots stuck to them and tissues around there neck. Can you guess what she was? Yes...Swine Flu. Some people are just so creative. I love it!

Lou said...

I feel ripped off that I didn't get to read the offending anonymous comment :-( before it was deleted.

Cynica Sarcastamos said...

Fun, fun, fun! I love that creepy little Jeffrey. And the legs... you are a truly twisted (and talented) sistah!

jh said...

You are sooo creative! I love the pumpkins & always wanted to do that, maybe I'll just live vicariously thru you. Those legs really look like somebody is struggling to get out of the ground. Oh & dahling, you look lovely as a ballerina! That's a great funny photo.

wendy said...

Love the carvings. I admire people who can do that and still have both hands intact afterwards =) I have tried pumpkin carving and have come to the conclusion that pumpkin drawing is more my speed,LOL. Jeffery is too cute! That ballerina costume is amazing ;) I could see it turning like a lazy susan at Thanksgiving so the dinner guests could get their food =D

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Loooove the decorations!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Brilliant costume!!!! Your jack o lantern looks so jolly!!!

Clandestiny said...

GREAT job, girl!! And yeah, I'd like to know what's inside the legs sticking out of the lawn too! They look way too real to just be stuffed unless you're a much better stuffer than I am. Ditto on Jeff. TELL!!! lol

Heather said...

Jeffery..I truely thought that was a real kid. Great job!

As with everybody the legs in the yard!

Alicia said...

Loved all your Halloween decor, but especially the kick-ball headed boy. Very creative!

Unknown said...

Love the legs!!!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Killer faux pumpkin. I think Jeffrey would freak me out too...

kathryn said...

Dianne: Thank you! It's a shame everything got so wet this year. How was YOUR "holiday"?

Kathy: Sorry, sweetie. And when I logged on and saw the length and realized it had nothing to do with my post, I deleted it w/o even reading it. I guess it's better I didn't read it, huh? Hate to tell you, but I made the legs myself. I'm happy to email you the "hows"'s really not all that difficult.

Insanity: Yeah, I definitely got the stuffy part...I'd assumed the poster was just rambling and deleted it w/o reading it. It rarely happens and really doesn't bother me.

Mark Price: Don't you worry. It'll take more than that doofus to make me go back to word verification!

Mahsa said...

LOL, fantastic halloween spirit. loved the pic of legs! fabulous!

Moonrayvenne said...

Aw, I guess I missed the anonymous post, too.
Jeffery & the legs really are lifelike. (I won't tell if they really are some bad kids from the
Looks like you had a great holiday!

kathryn said...

Spot: How could ANYTHING freak YOU out? Of all people! But, yeah...a few days of Jeffrey standing on my stoop and my neighbors we DONE.

WannabeVirginiaW: "Anonymous" is history...never even read it....don't wanna know. 'Tis the price I pay for no word verification, I think...or maybe not. Happy Boo-day to you, too!

Lauren: HA! I'm sooooo glad you clarified "The Big O"!! HA! Yes, I am wonderwoman....look at how toned my arms are!! And that table setting cannot be beat!

Fierce:'s okay if you're only snickering at me! I DO hope that you're feeling better...

Ron! Oh, thank you (bows to whistles and applause)...I'd like to thank my friend Ron, who helped me set this beautiful table...and then superglued everything so that I could take this bow! xoxo

Kristin: Welcome! I'm glad you stopped by and enjoyed my decorating sense. Hope you'll stop by again...

Isabella: OMG! That is SO FUNNY! I wonder how many ppl thought to do that this year! Yes, VERY creative!

Lou: Aw...sorry, sweetie. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't read it either! We'll have to get the lowdown from Kathy at JunkDrawer.

Cynica Sarcastamos: "Twisted"?? HA! I like that! I'll usually go for anything that's a little bit out of the ordinary...a little off the beaten path, if you will. Glad you liked it!

jh: Thank you, sweetie! Those pumpkin carving kits really do make it so much easier! And (blushingly....) she curtsies at the ballerina-compliment.

Wendy Blum: YES! A Lazy-Susan-Ballerina! That's ME! The trick to the carving really is those kits...with their teeny holes as tracing lines. Painted pumpkins are great, too!

Oddyoddyo13: Thank you, sweetie! Hope your Boo-Day was fabulous!

Gillian: Thank you, my dear! Yes, the costume is a one-of-a-kind, right? Hope your day was great, too!

Clandestiny: HA! The legs are stuffed with plastic...dropcloths and bags and PVC pipe that's hammered into the ground. You'll have to email me for Jeffrey...he's TOP SECRET!

Heather: Thank you! Yeah, it was a little creepy the first year Jeffery stood there...and stood there...and stood there! It was hilarious watching kids stop and stare...wondering why he was there so early and for SO LONG!

Alicia: Thanks, sweetie! He freaks the kids out, though when they come to trick-or-treat. I'll hear them saying, "Why isn't that boy moving?"

Kimberly: Thanks! I used to have one arm coming out too....but I couldn't find a realistic looking hand. (Of course, I could have bought something...duh.)

Straight Guy said...

We did something similar with pants, though we would stick them (legs up) through the ice of a barely frozen pond. Why we risked our own lives to make that joke, I can't really justify.

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: Thank you! Yeah, you had to get to KNOW Jeffrey....then he didn't seem so freakishly REAL.

Mahsa: Thank you! Yeah, da boys would say, "Is it time to put the bodies on the lawn?"

Collette: HA! I'm surprised by how many ppl are sorry they missed the weird, ranting anonymous time, I'll leave him up! Hope you had a great Boo-Day as well!

Straight Guy! YIKES! What the hell were you kids thinking?? Do you realize what could have happened to you?! See, this is the stuff we DON'T share w/our kids!

Rambles'N'Shambles said...

we don't realy celebrate halloween here in Australia which sucks

I'd LOVE to have random limbs icking out from my garden, and fake blood smeared on my door

then I'd be really REALLLY supuer freaky friendly to al the youngings who'd appen to trickor treat at my house!

KT said...

Hey! I'm a little late in commenting, but I LOVED the legs in the yard. My husband "ran over" a man dressed up as a woman. (long story), but all you are the legs with boots under the car. Ppl would pass by and around it thinking it was a real person that was going to to scare them. jajajaj, too funny. Seems like you enjoyed your halloween, unfortunately i didn't. I hate halloween, actually the whole month of october I could do without.
Happy sunday!

Ann said...

Loved Jeffery, and the legs in the yard. The only small children in our neighborhood are the children of a dope dealer down the street. Since my husband is an ex cop and I'm an ex police dispatcher, they don't come to our house. So, I am stuck with eating the Halloween candy. Poor me.

Mark Price said...

Kathryn i'm so stealing the legs in the yard thing for next year. Maybe the Jeffrey too. Excellent Pics

BlackLOG said...

Sorry I'm late Kathryn, kickball-headed ghost blocked the basement door of the "From the inside.... out" and so I could not drop off this note.

We have spent much of the weekend hiding with the lights out, as we forget to get supplies of candy in, the only affective way of warding off the little tykes who roam the streets already high on sugar rushes.

The true skill in Halloween sweet allocation is making sure that any energy that kicks in through e numbers is just enough to get the kids running wildly into other neighborhoods but not enough energy for them to make it back…..

Runnergirl said...

Love the kickball headed ghost - and the legs on the lawn. We were away until early evening, but had a few trick or treaters - I was very thankful to the thoughtful spider that I had woven a massive web across the corner of our front door - the only decorations we managed this year!

Runnergirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tinkerschnitzel said...

I love it all Kathryn! Glad you had a decent Halloween. Oh, and i took the word verification off my blog just for you. :)

Jen T said...

Haha, love the legs sticking up in the yard!

kathryn said...

evilteenietiff: Halloween? Well, you could still do the legs anyway...of course, then you'd be known as the loony girl with the body parts in her garden, but HEY...I'm down w/it if you are!

book*addict: That story sounds like the Wicked Witch of the West. I'm sorry you had a crappy Halloween...hey, if you're not a big fan of October, it's over now, sweetie!

Ann: Aw, poor you! Small children of a dope dealer? So I'll assume the dope dealer knows who you are, if the kids do? Interesting...

Mark Price: HA! You may steal the IDEA of me and I'm happy to share. However, I shall hunt you down if you take my body parts and my Jeffrey the Kickball-Headed-Ghost. You need to get your OWN.

BlackLog: Jeffrey is an excellent guard-ghost, as no-one knows what to make of him. I may switch him into an elf costume...

Runnergirl: Oh, lucky you! A massive spider web...just in time! Now, where's that broom to wipe it away? Scary!

Tinkerschnitzel: Oh, yay! One more word verification bites the dust! Thanks, sweetie...I've done so many, my computer tries to "remember" the word for me!

lifelove'n'wine: Thanks, sweetie! Hope you had a great day!

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