Monday, September 28, 2009

What? (...and Thank You.)

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearcer at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the rwod as a wlohe.

Now I sahll tset tihs tehory:

Cnnoor had a frist prioed tcaheer tdoay who gvae the calss a qiuz on sutff tehy kenw nthonig aubot! The calss was feraknig out and she tlod tehm tehy culod not ask any quitseons. I akesd Cnnoor wehn the tcaheer tlod tehm it was a jkoe and he siad not uintl the end of the prioed! Ykies! How maen!

I’d like to thnak ervyenoe who vsiietd my site. Plesae vsiit aigan!

Anonymous said...

wow. i can totally read that! awesome!! that's readlly cool. and you're poor son, that's so not cool. that happened to me once. we had a sub and our teacher thought it would be funny to freak us and the sub out. ugh, that day was not fun. love reading your blogs by the way!

Unknown said...

Hi Kathryn,

This is cool! Poor Cnnoor. ;o) I hope he got the ultimate revenge and pulled an A out of... somewhere!

Thanks very much for your comment and follow on my site. I have a follow!!! How exciting! Can you tell I'm new?

Anonymous said... first I was like wow she forgot to spell check then I started reading. I had a few teachers who like to freak out the class in a similar fashion...hated it when they pulled stunts on us like that.

mono said...

And now that NY Times grammar-meister Bill Safire is gone, I'm sending my spell checker on holiday.

kathryn said...

Mrs Black09: Good for you! (I was hoping I wouldn't have ppl saying "WTF??) Thanks for the comment/flw as well!

Picture Imperfect: I'm glad you liked it. I doubt Connor (nor I) will ever forget it, that's for sure. You're welcome on the flw...I believe that one flw deserves another...same w/comments. Hey, I was where you are 18 months ago. Stay strong!

Insanity: HA! You shud've SEEN my had more red & green than a hopped-up Christmas card! Thanks for commenting-

Shane said...

this is pretty crazy...oh how the human mind has its mysteries???

JP said...

yeah I've seen that before...

What always got me was when people asked questions when the answers were stupidly obvious...

"Mr Teacher! On #4 it says 'the Birtish'... Is that supposed to say 'the British'?" DUH. Seriously dude you interrupted my test to ask THAT question? What do you think going to say, "No I'm sorry that's FALSE, the Moops didn't invade Spain in 711, the Moors did."

kathryn said...

mono: HA! Freedom to spell any which way, I say. Thanks for commenting.
Shaneburchmusic: I know, right? Shows how fast the brain can process things, I'm guessing. Well, maybe not MY brain....thanks for the comment.
JP: HA. Sounds to me like these kids just want attention (kudos) for discovering a typo. Maybe they're future editors in the making. Tks for the comment, JP!

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

t*gt taollty werkd f3r mi.

Anonymous said...

My question is, how long did it take you to type that?

English Rose said...

ahaaaaaaa i could totally read that! i'm proud of myself, really. Bless connor he sounds so cute.

I just blogged about topshop, check it out? XXXXX

Micsteel said...

And now we see the origin of geek speak! Great post!!!

Anonymous said...

Konw waht you maen. I hvae a frenid who's dilseixc and taht's soemthnig we lugah aoubt. =)

Jacquelyn said...

Very cool!!! How long did it take you to do that?

Straight Guy said...

Here is my response, scrambled based on this research:

So Cool!

(Dnag it!)

Lisa said...

I am so gonna quit grading for spelling now. Obviously the experts know what the brain can do. Besides as a teacher I don't have time to reinforce good grammar and spelling. I'm too busy teaching things like manners and appropriate behavior.

;-)facetiously, LisaB

Anonymous said...

What a great story. I've read the one at the top before. I've gotten it in dozens of e-mails, and I think it's great. It's nice to know we're smarter than we think we are!

Poor Connor. Too bad it didn't happen to Taylor. You could have told him it was his punishment for texting on the phone all of the time and not paying attention in class!

kathryn said...

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt: "That totally worked for me"? Did I get it?? Thanks so much for commenting!

FumblingConfidence: You have no idea. For-eva! Had to think about every word....and "Word" was screaming at me and even kept self-correcting some of my words. One shot deal...too hard to do again!
I'm glad you noticed that!

SabrinaSuburbia: Good girl. Connor says "thank you!"...& I just did!

Mike Steelman: Geek speak? Then, I guess geeks don't have spell check! This was MURDER to type! Thanks so much for commenting!

jmberrygirl: See? I could read that perfectly! Maybe we'll start a whole new way of writing! (Cringes)

Jacquelyn: FOR-EVA! Try it! It's not as easy as you'd think! First and last letters can't move and only really works w/more than 4 letters in the word...HARD! Thanks for the comment!

Hey StraightGuy! How's the other half of my favorite blogteam? Well you came close, my friend. Better to spell correctly anyway...don't wanna seem dmub.(!)

Lisa (aka LadyWanderlust): Nooooo! You can't give up! Some ppl don't have a CLUE! Between texting and spellcheck, how will they learn how to SLPEL??(!) Thanks for the flw/comment!

Indiri Wood said...

Oh, poor kid! I think my son would spend the rest of the day mad about that...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
Check out this awesome new blog that needs followers:


Thanks :)

Carol Byron said...

I'd heard this before in some form, but had forgotten it, like so much that's jammed in this head, it's just amazing. Youngsters might well ask why then learn to spell? Your blog is lovely, I'm so glad I found you. Your into cocktail time back east there and I'm still holding out
'til 4PM in about an hour. Best to you and your boys,

kathryn said...

Michelle: HA! Should I pass this info along to Taylor? (I think we'll keep it between us.) It was the SCIENCE teacher, btw...the one w/the snake?!

Sara: Welcome. Yeah, this teacher is not ranking too high on his list. I think it's gonna be a long year! Thanks for commenting-

Anonymous: Ya know, it's one thing to plug a blog, but you could at least have the manners to make a nice comment. Bad blogger, bad.

kathryn said...

Carol Byron: Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, we are into cocktail hour here (takes sip)...not too much longer for you to wait! Thanks so much for the comment-hope you'll visit again.

mizz musical said...

Hey! Very cool entry. I got a whole test paper like that in first year pshycology, very interesting writing a test like that. And towards peter imperfect, I get the whole being new thing! I'm still anxiously waiting for my first comment or follow!

Good luck everyone

Lady BAM said...

Wow it's pretty cool that we can read that even when the letters are totally mixed up! I feel so sorry for Connor. I'm glad my teacher isn't that mean!

Anonymous said...

i never tire of seeing this kind of thing, stops my brain being lazy i think!! lol

cool blog, i've only just found you (tho cant remember where from, what was that about lazy brain?!!) so am planning on a bit of a browse :)


kathryn said...

mizz musical: Welcome...and thanks for the comment.

LadyBAM: I's way cool. That's why I wanted to share. I think Connor's teacher has a weird sense of humor. Thanks for the comment!

Träumerin said...

haha! This is great! Strange how our minds work :)

Ron said...

I've heard and seen this explained before and yet, it STILL amazes me!!

I mean I just sat here and read your whole post without even trying to decipher it and I could understand exactly what you were saying!!!

Conner's teacher sounds like Joan Crawford...a maenie!


kathryn said...

Lifeasme: Welcome! Browse away....thanks for the visit!

Traumerin: I'm glad you liked it! Read on, my friend...look for the laughs! Thanks for the comment

kathryn said...

Hey Ron! I'd tell Connor what you said, but you know it'd go right over his head.
Did I tell you that Taylor doesn't know what a "Lucille Ball" moment is? (Mimics knife in the heart)

Rambles'N'Shambles said...

Connor should write the answers to his test the same way you wrote this blog, That'd show the teacher!

Lou said...

It's interesting isn't it Kathryn? It's not actually even hard to read it but I do imagine it would be harder to write. Cool post.

Kristen said...

I love this post! So funny how our mind and eyes work! This probably explains why typos are so hard to find sometimes.

Leah Rubin said...

Taht rlealy wsa maen. Hwo cuodl seh jsufity ptutnig tmeh truhouhg taht? Proo kdis...

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

This is great; I love these.
I mean:
Tihs is garet; I lvoe tsehe!

Nisa said...

what is Cnnoor? is that ur son's name?

pinkplumeria said...

That was really cool! I enjoyed reading that.

kathryn said...

evilteenietiff: That is PURE GENIUS! You are SO SMART, girl! Where were you when he brought that thing home?? I'll check w/you FIRST next time!

Hey Lou! to read. To write? Not so fun.

Leah: Oh, EXCELLENT comment! I got every word! Now, how long did it take you to type it?? Hmmm?

Maureen: Ha! Nice save...and equally nicely done! It's not so easy, right??

Nisa: Yup. Well it's Connor's name in that mixed-up/backward/weird kinda way....

pinkplumeria: Thank you--just something to wake up those napping brain cells...


The first paragraph was easier to read than the last one. BUT I could read it!!!!! How fun!

Chess Forrester Severyn-Parrish aka Kauritree said...

Hahaha... very cool. Yep, I thought you made a "spell check" faux pas at first and then I realised what you were doing. Very clever and a good analogy for the way people perceive things about others as well. To get an understanding of a person, you have to see the whole individual and the outside is just the jacket dust cover to what lays inside. And that's where the real story is embedded.

kathryn said...

~Mary: I know! A LOT of ppl were surprised...of course, the first paragraph THEY did and the 2nd was MINE. I'm never going to try that was HARD!

Kauritree:Very insightful. I like the part about "the outside as the dust jacket cover"...and yet, they say old books are less valuable w/o it. Go figure. Thanks for commenting!

JSC said...

Wow! I cna't bilviee I culod raed taht! I am giong to tpye all e-mials and ltetrs lkie taht tadoy and see how mnay poelpe clal me out on it!
Good tmies!

kathryn said...

JSC: EXCELLENT! I read it, no prob. You are gonna drive ppl BATTY, but they won't quite know why. (They'll prob all think they're geniuses!!) Let me know how it goes! It's hard to type, tho, right?? Thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

This is great post K! As usual you managed to put a smile on our pretty faces.
You rock!

Marisol said...

Hey doll! Great post!
Again, you managed to put a smile on our pretty faces.
You rock!

kathryn said...

Hey Marisol! Great to see you, sweetie! Thanks for the lovely words, you busy girl, you....
Glad you could take the time to comment, my fav Twitter-Bud!

Anonymous said...

How cool is that? Loved it. It's no wonder we only use 10% of our brains - we're WASTING it all on reading all these extra letters! Just pisses me off.
Ok, I'm better now.
Later gater.

kathryn said...

Anonymous: I couldn't agree more! Very well put, btw! You really have a way with words...(pun intended). Later, you-

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