Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sneaky Puppy...Naughty Puppy

We have a limited amount of rules in our house, as far as Metro's concerned. About the only place he's seriously not allowed is on our beds. (This was decided after we'd become acutely aware of just how many times he either licks himself or tries to use the welcome mat as a's graphic, but sadly true. He's royally-cute, but can be incredibly gross.)

You can now fully appreciate the, can't you??

So, imagine my confusion when Connor (12) sends me a pic-text whilst I'm driving the other day. I'm trying to view this photo and not crash the car...because heaven forbid I actually pull over to look at the text.

The subject line of the text read: "HA HA":

Evidently, Connor came home from school to an empty home...and Metro was so comfy, he forgot to change locations to somewhere less...incriminating. He's on my bed, snuggled next to the covered body pillow I snuggle up to each night (as I am sans mate). He was so comfy, he didn't hear Connor take the first photo, much less this closer one:

But he woke just in time to realize he was busted. You can almost read his "Oh, crap" doggie-thought.

By the time I realized what I was seeing was Metro on my (unmade) bed (yes...I see the yet-unfolded laundry basket waiting for me...focus, people) I attempted to use my Vlingo on my Blackberry (automated voice-recognition software) to tell Connor to remove said dog from said bed. This is what Vlingo submitted to Connor:

"I can't be live the trial was on the bud xlamation mark on believable keep the dug or of my bed be home son. Of."

Ain't modern technology grand??

Anonymous said...

Aww....your dog is soooo adorable. (: When I had one, I let her sleep on the bed all the time. XD

kathryn said...

Gavin: Yeah, well...the optimal word there is "her". Maybe girlie doggies aren't as gross as boy guess is, it's probably true!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Oh your pup looks so happy all curled up there on yer bed. How can you be angry?

Heather said...

Poor Metro! Busted!

Sorry, but my 3 Chihuahua's sleep with me. 2 under the covers and on on top of the covers. One at my knee, one on his own pillow and one up against my back.

I have on eof those baskets waiting for me too!

BlackLOG said...

Does the Body pillow mean that you can use the car pool lane while you are sleeping?

Cynica Sarcastamos said...

Animaniac here. In my former life, my hub and I ended up trading our queen bed for a king so that the dog and cat (both over-sized models) would be more comfy.
(Not really. Well, sort of.) But luckily, when their heads hit our pillows, they were OUT. No licking or butt dragging (and yay - no fleas in AK). Just snoring.
Great photos. I'm on Metro's side. This is precisely why God made sleeping pills - either for you to sleep thru the licking - or for him to induce a bath-free coma, right?

wendy said...

The only cat-we have two-I allow on my bed with me is my oldest. Maisy has been with us since our 12
year old was 3. She stays at the foot of my side of the bed and isn't troublsome. Now the new cat we saved from homelessness this past summer is quite a different story.Banjo's a tad annoying. And she gets on Maisy's nerves, A LOT. Yes, I know Banjo isn't a very girlie name. But tell that to my 4 year old,lol.

Lauren said...

Oh yes, pets know... We have a few chairs that Meeko isn't supposed to sleep in. They happen to be his favourites. They mock us constantly and we think we're in charge. It's the other way around! AH!

Betsy said...

Well, it's better than having a cat pee on your bed, which is why our cats are now banned from the room and we have to keep the door closed at all times....

Metro is soooo adorable! Aww, cut the lil' guy some slack, mom!

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Don't you just love how they respect the rules you lay down for them?

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

We have to employ a series of large wooden boards, a stool, and a sewing basket, to keep my evil dog off my furniture. I feel your pain.

Unknown said...

Sounds like Metro is truly one of the boys. Rather than shoo him off your bed, Connor takes incriminating photos first to get his brother in trouble ;-)

Dreamfarm Girl said...

Oh my goodness, that was grand! from the cheating dog (we call ours Cheater Dieter), to the Oh sh!t I'm busted look on his face, to the oh so unhelpful translation of your vlingo gadget. Reminds me of a time long ago when I left Word grammar and spell check "fix" a paper. Oh, such funny stuff is everyday life! this was a great snapshot!

Áine said...

Modern technology is of course the bestest :) lol Thanks for the laugh!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Precious little puppy you have there!
I tried to make my just acquired ten year old dog stay off the bed, but gave up.
Seems the laundry basket gets in a lot of my photos, too.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love it. He is so busted!

JD at I Do Things said...

Awwwwwwwwww! Let Metro stay where he is. He looks so comfy. And besides, as long as you can't be live the trial, you may as well mark on believable dug. Of.


Lou said...

Pop over to The Quiet Life when you get a sec - there's something there for you.

KT said...

I'm cracking up at BlackLOG's comment. jajajaja.
FOCUS: aww, what a sad rule. I let my Grande Caramel Macchiato sleep on the bed with us. And HE'S a big dog and LOVES to spoon. jajaja.
I do love modern tech, without things wouldn't be as funny, and you wouldn't have had a post today.

jh said...

OMG, the responses to this post have confirmed that I never want a pet. So many bad stories. & you, isn't the whole point of being sans mate that you can have the whole bed to yourself? Or is it really so that you can have a body pillow & throw you leg on it? It's not a sad thing like it keeps you company is it?

Moonrayvenne said...

The pics are priceless! Just like a male, always doing what they're told NOT to. LOL. It looks like Vlingo need some english classes. Gotta love technology.

Spot said...

Poor Metro! I can't imagine banning my cats from my bed, no matter how many times they interrupt my sleep. Surely, he wouldn't scoot his doggy butt on the place where he sleeps would he? Oh wait. He's male. Lol.

Love the Vlingo. First it won't recognize "cow" and now it speaks what's obviously a foreign made up language?? What's next?


kathryn said...

Gillian: Aw, yourself! Yes, he's adorable...yes, he was happy & comfy. FINE. Can I at least be annoyed??

Heather: I do believe that as da boys got older, they became more grossed out by Metro's doggie-habits. Then, they pointed them out to me!

BlackLOG: Uh-huh! Actually, I find the combo of the body pillow with my space-age (Dormia) bed to be the BEST combination EVER. (For sleep.)

Cynica Sarcastamos: HA! I know, I know. I can already see I'm WAY outnumbered here...and Metro's got this self-satisfied doggy-grin on his face! Believe me, it's one of my ONLY rules for this little prince.

Wendy Blum: Banjo? I love the name, but how did a 4-yo come up with that? Was it banjo-day at preschool??

Lauren: That is SO TRUE. It amazes me that I'd never had a clue that they could be so sneaky!

Gingerella: Awww! I mean, "Ewwww!" The cat peed on your bed? Was it old or sick? Had to be one of the two...or it wanted to stake claim to that bed as it's own!

Oddyoddyo13: Exactly! They respect long as we're here to enforce the rules! Otherwise, they (evidently) do whatever they want!!

Alicia said...

I think he's a sweet baby, but I still wouldn't want a dog in my bed with me. I feel your pain :-(

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: Unbelievable...right? I mean, aren't we entitled to have just a few spaces to call our own?? Metro gets the whole rest of the house!

ValleyWriter: You are SO RIGHT! HA! Such a brother-thing to do! Connor's my youngest, so maybe it's his way of pretending Metro's the one he can pick on...

Dreamfarm Girl: Thank you! I know...that "busted" pic of Metro is priceless, right? And my Vlingo...usually is much more accurate...I think the Bluetooth just garbled it. This KILLS me, 'cause I got it so I could "speak" my texts whilst driving-

Smileyfreak: You're welcome! Now, if only Vlingo worked as well in the car as it does in my HOUSE!

Cats~Goats~Quotes: Thank you! I felt kinda guilty for imposing a no-Metro-on-da-bed rule after it was okay for many years, but I'm sorry...some of his doggie-habits are GROSS. And yes, the laundry basket is NEVER far from my side!

Christiejolu: HA! I KNOW! Isn't it hilarious??

JD at I Do Things: HA! JD, you SLAY me! You're correct, of course. 'Cause if Vlingo said it, it must be what I said...right??

kathryn said...

Lou: Okay, sweetie! I'll be over in a sec!

book*addict: Yeah, but you should have heard it repeat back what it said! It has this monotone male was my third attempt at saying METRO and he kept saying "the trial"! Grrrrr!

jh: Oh, you know me SO WELL. YES, I always do the leg-flinging thang...but I figured someone wud think it odd if I posted it. (This is between us, right? Shhhh.) And YES, I want the bed to MYSELF. It's bad enough Metro's snoring 3-feet away in his doggie-bed!

kathryn said...

Collette: HA! I agree with EVERYTHING you've said! ALL of it! HA!

Spot: I'd like to believe Metro would keep his male-doggie gross habits off the bed, but I just can't get past it! As for Vlingo, I'm keeping track: now it won't say: cow, eyes, Metro, bed...and about 10 others! Yikes.

Alicia: Thank you! The consensus seems to be that I'm a meanie. I'm glad someone can see my side of things!

Mixed Reflections said...

Metro...what an adorable name for a dog! We let Flanders in the bed, and although we regret it tremendously most of the time, we just did it. And that's the end of the story. Now, we couldn't boot her if we had to.

kathryn said...

Gropius: I like Flanders as well. How did you come up with that? "Metro" is actually short for Metronome...because his tail is always wagging like one. Well, evidently, I've done no better at keeping Metro off my bed!

Anonymous said...

The surveillance pictures are PRICE. LESS. ROTFL

Anonymous said...

That is so something Andy would do if only his legs were long enough to jump on the bed! =)

Tinkerschnitzel said...

I know, I'm a bit late here. My dog is not allowed on my bed, because, yes, they are gross. And, she's female, so it doesn't really matter. When all I can hear is her scratching, licking, or biting on something, it freaks me out.

kathryn said...

~:C:~ HA! I KNOW! Connor totally ratted him out! Didn't give it a second thought...and Metro slept through the first two shots!!

jmberrygirl: I'm telling you...these doggies are so freakin' smart, I can't stand it! I don't get ANY place to myself!

kathryn said...

Tinkerschnitzel: I KNOW! Thank you! That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about! A little "TMI", if you know what I mean! (And you're only "fashionably late", sweetie!)

dailyseeking said...

Your puppy is soooo cute!

Bobby Allan said...

Good dog, Metro. What a sweetie! Are you sure there isn't a body in that bed?

Hey, I posted an award for you. Mmm...lemony...

kathryn said...

Dailyseeking: Thank you! And don't think he doesn't know it!!

Chrissy: Hey, babe! I've missed you! I'll be right there. (Quit encouraging Metro, or I'll put Bernie up to something!)

Unknown said...

Oh... but he's such an ADORABLE puppy! How can you resist such cuteness?

My dog could get away with murder when he gives me 'that look.' It's just irresistible!

Jen T said...

Haha, dogs. Mine is sneaky too.

I remember Geoff's old dog wasn't allowed on the futon. In his last year of life he had really bad hips and couldn't get up and move fast. We reach the top of the stairs just in time to see him creeping off of the futon where he'd been napping all day I'm sure.

Clandestiny said...

Oh no he didn't!! lol Ok professional dog trainer time here...ahem... If you let a dog take an inch they will go on to try another inch and another and another...basically until you stop them or allow the dog to take over which I can almost guarantee you won't like. So now you either have to allow him on the bed or find a way to keep him off the bed even when you're not looking! To be consistent it has to be all one way or the other. The easiest thing all round in this instance is probably just to shut your bedroom door so he doesn't have the opportunity to cheat :)

kathryn said...

SMOOG: Uh-huh...I'll send him right soon as he finishes licking himself. Have your pillow ready!!

lifelove'n'wine: HA!, they stay smart and sneaky even in old age, huh??

Clandestiny: That's an excellent idea! I already have to close my office door, or he knocks over the shredder and attacks all the paper. I will definitely do that!

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